overclocking 7900gtx??


Jul 3, 2004
right now, i'm using 91.45 x-g drivers with clock frequency settings at 670 and 820. should i overclock?

which numbers are the so far the safe at stablilty?


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
Of course you should overclock. The correct setting is the one just fractionally before the card catches fire - determining this is left as an excersise to the reader.

Seriously though, I have an X1900XT overclocked (slightly) to XTX speeds and to be honest, it doesn't even need that. It only struggles with Oblivion cranked up anyway, and everything struggles with that. Every other game I could run easily at 25% lower clock speeds.



Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2005
You should (note I say "SHOULD") be able to reach 700mhz on the Core and 900mhz on the memory.

Anything beyond that YMMV.


Jul 3, 2004
Originally posted by: wizboy11
You should (note I say "SHOULD") be able to reach 700mhz on the Core and 900mhz on the memory.

Anything beyond that YMMV.

i'm afraid it might fry my precious video card. :(


Feb 13, 2004
You don't need to overclock at the moment. Which game runs unsatisfactorily? Also, with X2 3800 at stock in most games which are single threaded any way the CPU is the bottleneck as it only compares to Amd 64 3200 if you are running a single threaded game, overclock that first if you need to.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2005
Originally posted by: Juno
Originally posted by: wizboy11
You should (note I say "SHOULD") be able to reach 700mhz on the Core and 900mhz on the memory.

Anything beyond that YMMV.

i'm afraid it might fry my precious video card. :(

Your not going to fry it. Overclocking is not the same as overvolting. (like my 7900GT's are overvolted to 1.45v to get them to act like a 7900GTX). You just have to OC your card.

Originally posted by: akshayt
You don't need to overclock at the moment. Which game runs unsatisfactorily? Also, with X2 3800 at stock in most games which are single threaded any way the CPU is the bottleneck as it only compares to Amd 64 3200 if you are running a single threaded game, overclock that first if you need to.

Your wrong. Dual cores can have the game run on one, and all the background junk run on the other. That way it's faster.
It would be nice to OC the CPU though. I wouldn't say it's a bottleneck though. As long as the resolution is high enough there's no way a X2 can be a bottleneck.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Juno

which numbers are the so far the safe at stablilty?

If you have a beefy psu as well as a nice cooling chassis I'd say 700/1800 is very do able. Mine is an eVGA which currently runs at that exact speed and has had no issue.:)


Jul 3, 2004
Originally posted by: videopho
Originally posted by: Juno

which numbers are the so far the safe at stablilty?

If you have a beefy psu as well as a nice cooling chassis I'd say 700/1800 is very do able. Mine is an eVGA which currently runs at that exact speed and has had no issue.:)

i'm pretty sure my seasonic 600w can handle it without a doubt.


Feb 13, 2004
In most single threaded apps, benchmarks show X2 3800 not more powerful than a AMD 64 3200. It may be a tad better but real difference is only in games that use 2 cores.

Anyway, there is no point overclocking unless you feel that you need a lot more juice in your games, else how does it matter if you oc or not.

Anyway, to get the maximum out of your card I would say oc your cpu, that will help you more.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2005
Originally posted by: akshayt
In most single threaded apps, benchmarks show X2 3800 not more powerful than a AMD 64 3200. It may be a tad better but real difference is only in games that use 2 cores.

Anyway, there is no point overclocking unless you feel that you need a lot more juice in your games, else how does it matter if you oc or not.

Anyway, to get the maximum out of your card I would say oc your cpu, that will help you more.

No point to overclocking????

The point to "overclocking" is to get the most out of what you paid for. I paid for 2 7900GT's and I overclocked them to get a much faster card for less $$$.

If you pay $400-500 for a video card you want what you pay for. So overclocking just gives you more for what you paid for. And it's safe too. Bumping the speed up to 700/1800 is very doable.

And the CPU is not the bottleneck. The GPU is at high quality settings. Your right in the X2 3800+ sometimes performs only slightly better, however X2 3800+ performs the same as a FX-57.


Jul 3, 2004
here's an update.

i pushed my clocks to 720 and 1720 and the stability is at its peak. so far, i'm satisfied with its clocks. pretty much i want to push more but i think that's good enough for now. :)


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2004
Originally posted by: wizboy11
Originally posted by: akshayt
In most single threaded apps, benchmarks show X2 3800 not more powerful than a AMD 64 3200. It may be a tad better but real difference is only in games that use 2 cores.

Anyway, there is no point overclocking unless you feel that you need a lot more juice in your games, else how does it matter if you oc or not.

Anyway, to get the maximum out of your card I would say oc your cpu, that will help you more.

No point to overclocking????

The point to "overclocking" is to get the most out of what you paid for. I paid for 2 7900GT's and I overclocked them to get a much faster card for less $$$.

If you pay $400-500 for a video card you want what you pay for. So overclocking just gives you more for what you paid for. And it's safe too. Bumping the speed up to 700/1800 is very doable.

And the CPU is not the bottleneck. The GPU is at high quality settings. Your right in the X2 3800+ sometimes performs only slightly better, however X2 3800+ performs the same as a FX-57.

Ignore Asshat, you don't even have to know about him to know he's an idiot. He goes into every thread about video/cpu, and always says the CPU is a bottleneck.

Back on topic, Juno, what are you using to overclock? Coolbits? Rivatuner? Powerstrip?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: akshayt
In most single threaded apps, benchmarks show X2 3800 not more powerful than a AMD 64 3200. It may be a tad better but real difference is only in games that use 2 cores.

Anyway, there is no point overclocking unless you feel that you need a lot more juice in your games, else how does it matter if you oc or not.

Anyway, to get the maximum out of your card I would say oc your cpu, that will help you more.

Almost no one is CPU bound. I can clock 2Ghz or 3Ghz with my X2 and score same at anything worth playing at.

Anyone can try this at home too just read more reviews which show you this. (hint not the ones at 800x600)


I think I need to do another head to head test similar to the one I did showing performance ram a total waste in RL. But this time for CPU's and gaming. Lay this 'CPU bound' myth to rest once and for all. I will underclock to 1.5 and overclock to 3.0 just to have as dramatic differnce as possible, exactly half as fast, and show you SLI GT's and single GT at what I play at.

Of course you should overclock.


Oct 13, 2004
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: akshayt
In most single threaded apps, benchmarks show X2 3800 not more powerful than a AMD 64 3200. It may be a tad better but real difference is only in games that use 2 cores.

Anyway, there is no point overclocking unless you feel that you need a lot more juice in your games, else how does it matter if you oc or not.

Anyway, to get the maximum out of your card I would say oc your cpu, that will help you more.

Almost no one is CPU bound. I can clock 2Ghz or 3Ghz with my X2 and score same at anything worth playing at.

Anyone can try this at home too just read more reviews which show you this. (hint not the ones at 800x600)


I think I need to do another head to head test similar to the one I did showing performance ram a total waste in RL. But this time for CPU's and gaming. Lay this 'CPU bound' myth to rest once and for all. I will underclock to 1.5 and overclock to 3.0 just to have as dramatic differnce as possible, exactly half as fast, and show you SLI GT's and single GT at what I play at.

Of course you should overclock.

Do it ;)

I know i'm cpu bound in Ut2k4 with large numbers of bots, because my fps drops significantly looking at exactly the same thing between flying around before a game starts, and pressing 'fire' to start the game, same with CS;S and bots, but pretty much everything else my 2.1Ghz tbred seems to handle fine, now i've got my 6800GS (and once i get a new psu and HDD, and discover what else it fried :p) i'll be able to see how cpu bound i really am compared to reviews and people on here...


Jul 3, 2004
Originally posted by: buzzsaw13
Originally posted by: wizboy11
Originally posted by: akshayt
In most single threaded apps, benchmarks show X2 3800 not more powerful than a AMD 64 3200. It may be a tad better but real difference is only in games that use 2 cores.

Anyway, there is no point overclocking unless you feel that you need a lot more juice in your games, else how does it matter if you oc or not.

Anyway, to get the maximum out of your card I would say oc your cpu, that will help you more.

No point to overclocking????

The point to "overclocking" is to get the most out of what you paid for. I paid for 2 7900GT's and I overclocked them to get a much faster card for less $$$.

If you pay $400-500 for a video card you want what you pay for. So overclocking just gives you more for what you paid for. And it's safe too. Bumping the speed up to 700/1800 is very doable.

And the CPU is not the bottleneck. The GPU is at high quality settings. Your right in the X2 3800+ sometimes performs only slightly better, however X2 3800+ performs the same as a FX-57.

Ignore Asshat, you don't even have to know about him to know he's an idiot. He goes into every thread about video/cpu, and always says the CPU is a bottleneck.

Back on topic, Juno, what are you using to overclock? Coolbits? Rivatuner? Powerstrip?
