Outlook 2000 and Exchange


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I have an exchange server at my house. Ever since I made Outlook switch to corporate/workgroup in order to connect to my exchange server, my internet e-mails are sent automatically.

Here's a better explanation: After switching to exchange, on my computer in Outlook 2000, I configured about 5 other email accounts. So when I click send receive, it will check my Exchange account as well as the 5 other email accounts.

I do not want it to send my email automatically. I want it to stay in the Outbox until I click send/receive. The point of this is so that I can go to my Outbox and decide which email account I would like to send that email from. Which leads to another problem....... ever since I went with Exchange, I can not switch email accounts. Normally, I could open the email in the outbox and click on the "Send" button and it would give me a list of email accounts to choose from. This option on the Send button is not there anymore.

People have said to go to Tools, Options, Mail Delivery tab but I do not have that tab since I switched to exchange.

Any ideas on how to:
1. Not send mail automatically
2. Allow me to choose which email account I would like email sent from



Diamond Member
May 21, 2001
There is no setting for what you want to do as far as I know. You may want to try File, Work Offline and see if that does it. (Toggle Work Offline when you want to send/receive again.)


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
One of the main features of Exchange is to have emails sent and recieved as close to instantly as possible, I doubt it's possible to do what you want without keeeping the mail in the Drafts folder then sending it later manually.


Senior member
Dec 23, 2002
I don't run Exchange so I can't comment on this 100%; however, I do know that for regular POP3/SMTP accounts, in Outlook 2002 (i.e. Outlook XP) you can really fine tune Send & Receive settings (including defining different "groups"). In each "group" you can control which e-mail account(s) SEND e-mail, which RECEIVE e-mail, etc. I also believe you can configure whether each group gets scheduled to run automatically. (I only have 1 group defined so I don't know the exact behavior when multiple groups are defined).

Also, Outlook XP has a multifunction "Send" button. In addition to being a REGULAR "Send," it has a DOWN ARROW next to it. If you click the DOWN ARROW, a list of ALL DEFINED E-MAIL ACCOUNTS pops open. Simply select one of those accounts and your e-mail will be sent using a "FROM:" address of the e-mail address defined in the respective acount.

Outlook XP to my knowledge doesn't run in two different modes the way Outlook 2000 does (i.e. Corporate/Exchange mode versus Internet/POP3 mode). That reconfiguration crap (switching from one mode to another) of Outlook 2000 always bothered me. Of course tons of other crap bothers me about Outlook XP (primarily how they f'd up the Address Book when composing an e-mail); however, that's a rant for a new thread! :D

In conclusion, try Eudora! :p (Heck, I should try that!)

*EDIT* I was really tired when I wrote my initial message. The first instance of the phrase "DOWN ARROW" initially said "DOWN DOWN."


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Exchange is made for a corporate environment where you don't have more than one identity, if Outlook XP allows the use of multiple identies with Exchange that would be a major reason not to use it. You can already send mail on behalf of someone, that's pretty much as close as you'll get.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks everyone. Diggler, I was thinking about trying XP (sorry not Eudora. :) ). Going to give it a shot now.

Thanks again