reverend boltron

Senior member
Nov 18, 2004
I haven't ever done any flash development before, but I would like to get involved in that area a bit just to see how it is.

I don't think I can justify spending the money on Flash if I won't use it regularly (I know I can download the trial too), but I was wondering if anyone had done any development with OpenLaszlo.

I checked it out and it looks pretty slick and powerful. The demo pages didn't take very long to open either.

Has anyone used this? Can you guys offer other recommendations?

As far as what I'd use flash for.. probably just to tinker and see what I could do. Maybe a few games here or there or just something to add to my portfolio.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
or just something to add to my portfolio.

For Flash experience an employer is likely to want you to have experience with the Flash MX IDE, not just be able to create SWFs with other tools.

I use Flash MX a little at work, but haven't tried OpenLaszlo.


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2001
Some companies no longer look for IDE experience so long as you can hang with MTASC. Theres plenty of flash development environments that use no IDE (Flashdevelop being one, you can also get Eclipse plugins). I used openlazlo and its neat and all but not too many companies out there want to use it.
If you can start learning Flex - you don't have to use the Flex IDE as all the Flex IDE is just a modified eclipse clone. The core code is just actionscript 3. More and more I'm seeing things where you no longer work in the IDE just within the AS files.

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