Diamond Member
- Sep 22, 2004
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Despite all the hyperbole, the voters simply voted against Kerry. It seems that everyone would like to tag the loss to moral values so that they can grasp some high ground in a flood. It was simply the candidate that the DNC picked that lost them the election. Figure out why they chose a moron with a terrible record and you may get near the truth. Throwing darts at so called Evangelicals and proclaiming that the left is really gaining ground despite the election results is just fogging dismal miss-management and an absolute inability of Democratic leadership to read the tealeaves. What they do best is find the banks deposit slot on really dark nights with the fruits of their rabble-rousing leadership. Your party leadership made you all look like morons, get over it! Of course, that made all of us neocons feel much better about ourselves! Your whining just makes the victory sweeter!