Ok, youve managed it before twice, now guess this movie!


Feb 8, 2004
First it was creepshow, then it was an outer limits episode. Now i got another movie im thinking of, but i cant remember its name.

Theres not much to go on here, its from the 50's-60's time period, its a sci-fi (not like star wars, humans still have 50's-60's tech) Its set in a small town/village where strange things are happening, cant remember what but its got people spooked. I remember a small bridge too, think people dissapeared when they went over there.

Anyways, the most detailed part i remember is the end, the main characters have to go through some kind of tunnel and either dodge or kill these zombies that look like mummys, all bandaged and stuff. Theyre pretty large mummys. When they get to the end they find this odd looking thing, think it might be a head in a jar, it dosent talk. Instead somone else talks for it and he says "he is man! evolved to the highest level!" Hes referring to what i remember being a head in a jar (its alive btw and the cause of all the strage stuff). This takes place aboard a spaceship thats underground i think, which is what the tunnel lead to.

Any ideas?