No it isn't. Black people are physically setup for living in warm areas. Those specific physical traits are negatives when living in cool areas. So blacks that live in Maine shouldn't have kids, right?
you must be the polar opposite of me.
Skin color has it's disadvantages in regions the skin color is not natural, however, it hardly has a negative impact in modern life. Access to vitamins and fortified foods mitigates any true impact darker skin has in cold climates.
You don't find black people in the Northwest Territory tribal populations or Siberia for the reason that nobody voluntarily moves there, and the native people aren't black. If black people were there, it would be a little different, because access to fortified foods is basically nonexistent, but it wouldn't impact their life in such a way as to kill them anyhow.
People with genetic conditions that severely negatively impact life, in such a way that they are lucky to be alive in the first place, probably should just adopt and not have offspring due to the chance of having children who have that same genetic condition.
It's not necessarily a question of access to health care that aids in quality of life, or whether they have "the right" to breed, but rather... think of the children. If I had such a crippling condition, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to take the chance of having kids that have the same condition, to avoid making them suffer all of their life.
The fact that she has lived through childbirth though, that's just insane. The stress a baby has on the body, I cannot imagine her body putting up with it and yet here we are.