Office Max $50 Rebate Debacle


Feb 28, 2003
This is ridiculous. I hate rebates and will never buy a product that is cheap because of a rebate ever again.

A few months ago I bought a rebadged Lite-On 851S DVD burner that carried a $50 rebate. Everything was going fine until yesterday when I checked the status of the rebate online and the screen displayed that the check had been cleared May 8th. Either I got drunk and lost a period of my life (see black out thread) or someone else had cashed the check. For this story we will go with the latter.

I emailed the rebate customer service center and received the following reply :

Thank you for your rebate inquiry. Regarding your question the check
>number 4624444 cleared our bank on 05-08-2004. Unfortunately, we are
>unable to provide copies of cleared checks, but if you will check with
>your bank, they may be able to help you.
>We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is
>anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at
> We are always happy to help.
>Be sure to visit our website at for future rebate

Oh, okay I'll check with MY bank to find out why someone else cashed a rebate check. Look, I have no desire to intentionally look like a dumbass in public. I figured that someone didn't actually read the email, so I sent another one with that one attached, informing them that I did not understand how my bank could possibly assist me with this matter since I didn't cash the check. Here's the next brilliant response :

Thank you for your rebate inquiry. We are truly sorry for the inconveniences but as we informed you in our last contact our records show that check number 4624444 cleared our bank on 05-08-2004.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide copies of cleared checks and the information you requested, but if you will check with your bank, they may be able to help you.

We appreciate your participation in this promotion. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please contact us at We are always happy to help.

Do any of you have any ideas here? I'm at a complete loss and haven't been so angry about something in quite some time. I do plan to go to the OM where I purchased the drive at some point this coming weekend but am wondering if there are any other options?

$50 rebate check cleared bank 5/8
I did not receive or cash said rebate check
Smart rebate CS is telling me to check with my bank for a solution
Looking for assistance!

Too bad that's not a haiku.

Does anyone know which bank Parago draws their checks from? If you are able to call their local police department, they might be able to access records from that bank and show you who cashed the check. I'm not sure if the dollar amount comes into play, but isn't it technically a federal crime if the check was cashed illegally in another state from where it was drawn?

Good luck...that's a sh!tty thing to have happen.


Feb 28, 2003
I thought it would be a federal crime anyway since it was sent from another state AND it is mail theft. Doesn't the federal government sort of own our mail until we receive it? The only reason I ask that is because I'm pretty sure that my mailbox is considered federal property.


Platinum Member
Dec 3, 2003
Ditto, talk to your local postmaster - they're really interested in mail fraud. They've been helpful for me.

Originally posted by: badmouse
Ditto, talk to your local postmaster - they're really interested in mail fraud. They've been helpful for me.
Ah, didn't even think about that...the Postal Police (yes, there really is a Postal Police) are solely trained to tackle this type of thing, along with mail bombs (;)). They'll likely be able to help you, or at least steer you in the right direction.


May 23, 2002
Did you ever even get the check? If not, follow the rules over in Hot Deals about who to contact You also didn't say where you bought it from but could contact the store as well and let them know they'll be losing a long time customer due to the company the hire to handle their rebates.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2002
Originally posted by: FrankyJunior
Did you ever even get the check? If not, follow the rules over in Hot Deals about who to contact You also didn't say where you bought it from but could contact the store as well and let them know they'll be losing a long time customer due to the company the hire to handle their rebates.

1) "I did not receive or cash said rebate check" From cliffs notes.
2) "I emailed the rebate customer service center and received the following reply" (from OP)
3) "Office Max $50 Rebate Debacle" (The thread title).

Umm... did you by chance... not read the post or thread title?


Golden Member
Nov 18, 2002
One thing I don't like about Parago rebate is that it is printed a post-card like check, and everyone can just see what the check is and how much it is. If someone get greedy, it shouldn't be impossible for them to cash it in some whacky ways.


Feb 28, 2003
Originally posted by: gunblade
One thing I don't like about Parago rebate is that it is printed a post-card like check, and everyone can just see what the check is and how much it is. If someone get greedy, it shouldn't be impossible for them to cash it in some whacky ways.

I've received these types of checks in the past and wondered how the hell these sorts of problems don't pop up all the time. I'm going to do all of the things that you all have suggested and look for that thread over at Hot Deals.

I sure hope this 'who to contact' stuff doesn't involve sending out a lot of snail mail. By the time I'm done with correspondence I might be up to $50 anyway. :p


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
I had a similiar situation which I was able to resolve but it took a nasty letter.

I would send a letter (yes snail mail) to their rebate processing center demanding to see PROOF that the check cleared (a copy of the cancelled check). If you receive that, it should show on the back the endorsing bank. Contact that bank and ask them to contact OM on your behalf to confirm that the check was NOT ENDORSED BY YOU. This is what I had to do, then OM issued another check which I received about 2 months later.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Just take the uncashed check to the manager of the OfficeMax where you bought the drive from. They can call the refund company directly and straighten it out for you. (Staples did for me once, anyway.) :)


Feb 28, 2003
I don't think people read the thread at all.

I never got the check. I never cashed the check. Someone else cashed the check. :p


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: gsaldivar
Just take the uncashed check to the manager of the OfficeMax where you bought the drive from. They can call the refund company directly and straighten it out for you. (Staples did for me once, anyway.) :)

check your reading skill buddy.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Try human contact. That's what toll free phone numbers are for... if you have the patience to find your way through the decision tree and park on hold for awhile. That's how I've always had the best luck resolving rebate problems, but that's IF you can get to a real human being.

Good luck. :)


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
Email them one more time with:
"Since it is impossible to resolve this with my bank as they ARE NOT A PARTY to this... I didn't receive the check and I didn't cash the check, and you won't help me, I'm left with no alternative than to go to the authorities over this matter, who will have jurisdiction. Since *I* have no way to prove that the check was in fact cashed, which would be indicative of 2 crimes: mail theft (a felony) as well as forgery. It will thus be necessary for *YOU* to email them a statement that the check was, in fact, cashed. I am, however, giving a copy of your email to them. Nonetheless, could you please double-check your records? I would hate to have you unwittingly provide false evidence to the police (another crime.)


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Fingolfin269
I don't think people read the thread at all.

I never got the check. I never cashed the check. Someone else cashed the check. :p

I know, that's why you should demand physical proof of the cancelled check. Don't let them screw you over.


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
I don't think people read the thread at all.
I never got the check. I never cashed the check. Someone else cashed the check. :
check your reading skill buddy.

Yes, I read your post, but I missed the part where you said that you didn't receive the check yet. So fucken sue me - buddy. :p

In this case, I would suggest contacting a manager at Parago and inform them that your own bank has no record of clearing a check from Parago in the amount of $50.00 for the last x months. You can ask a bank agent for a signed letter to this fact, or print a list of cleared checks for the period in question.

After providing your documentation to Parago, you should request a copy of the cleared check. You should inform them that if you don't receive a copy of this, your next step will be to file a police report, and they will be required to produce a copy of the check to authorities.

Good luck!


Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Harvey
Try human contact. That's what toll free phone numbers are for... if you have the patience to find your way through the decision tree and park on hold for awhile. That's how I've always had the best luck resolving rebate problems, but that's IF you can get to a real human being.

I agree with Harvey. You should be handling this matter by phone or mail. As you have discovered, e-mails are easy to ignore. Phone calls and letters on the other hand, usually require immediate attention before they are put aside.

Parago Customer Service: 1-888-221-4692.

Good luck!


May 23, 2002
BBB, FTC,'s rebate department

Call any of them? Didn't see that listed... And that's what in the sticky thread...