obama 'speech'

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Oct 18, 2005
Here's a good one. My way or the highway president? Well that uppity black guy ain't got nothing on dear leader!
Pcgeek11 is still pcgeek11 from this thread.

BTW whatever happened the OP? Did he finally melt down and get banned?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
hahahha. yes. Boomerang is just a fucking idiot. Much like Trump, past Boomerang really does come back to bite present boomerang. it's amazing how they probably don't get along at parties, at all.


May 15, 2000
Oh man this thread is hilarious!!

I as well as others have said this before but it bears repeating: everything Republicans and righties accused Obama and the Democrats of has been nothing but a mirror to all the shit trump and Republicans have done.

Do any of these guys want to chime in and defend their blatant hypocrisy and total silence in regards to the things they complained about Obama and that trump has embodied 100%?

Pcgeek? I see you've already seen this necro, what say you?
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Feb 6, 2002
I read that the current President has golfed nearly 3 times as much as the former President did at this time in his Presidency.
However I found this thread which I find funny in 2020. The discussion of a divisive President whom has little experience and President Obama’s tendency to brag and perceived laziness plus a side serving of blame shifting.....

All I can say is Hahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahahahahahahahahaha

Any 2020 second thoughts?
Excellent find dude!

Hypocrisy, thy name is buried in the search function. I wonder of those people will ever admit a new found respect for Barack Hussein Obama, the uppity interloper?
Feb 4, 2009
So, no crying this time? No channeling his inner Boehner? How many times did he say "I"? Last time he said "I" 76 times in a 33 minute speech.

The man is delusional on a lot of levels. Why anyone would bother to listen to him and then take anything he says seriously is a mystery.

President Trumps 2020 "I" count for his speech was 67 times, I counted the times he said "I'm" because I'd bet whomever did whatever Obama speech counted them. I did not count the times he used "I" as an expression of hope as in "I hope we can..." (not the Presidents exact words I forgot but the "I" usage was more a question).

Edit. 2016 SOTU speech had 66 to 68 I or I'm. Two were question like but it is hard to say for sure because Obama's speech was a lot better written. The speech lasted 58 minutes per Wikipedia, the Presidents 2020 speech went for 1 hour 18 minutes per Wikipedia.

I'll admit a failing, I was positive the current President would have used "I" more often. Appears both Presidents nearly used it equally.
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Feb 4, 2009
I've consistently heard from conservatives about how Obama should have been more of a 'uniter' and shown more 'leadership' but they are always completely unable to articulate what exactly they wanted him to do differently. (other than simply pass Republican policies into law)

When people talk about Clinton working across the aisle they completely miss the radicalization of the Republican Party over the last 15 or so years. Notice how the Democrats have barely moved, but the Republicans have gone through the roof.


Republican radicalization has let do unparalleled polarization:


In short it was much easier for previous presidents to work across the aisle because there was actually considerable overlap between the parties. In previous years quite a few conservative Democrats were more conservative than more liberal Republicans but this is no longer the case:


People who point to Clinton and say he worked across the aisle and that Obama should emulate him miss the fact that the 'radicals' Clinton was fighting against were people like John Boehner, the man who was recently outsted from his position for being way too moderate.

This chart needs to be updated with a graph for Bro's.


Nov 11, 1999
President Trumps 2020 "I" count for his speech was 67 times, I counted the times he said "I'm" because I'd bet whomever did whatever Obama speech counted them. I did not count the times he used "I" as an expression of hope as in "I hope we can..." (not the Presidents exact words I forgot but the "I" usage was more a question).

Edit. 2016 SOTU speech had 66 to 68 I or I'm. Two were question like but it is hard to say for sure because Obama's speech was a lot better written. The speech lasted 58 minutes per Wikipedia, the Presidents 2020 speech went for 1 hour 18 minutes per Wikipedia.

I'll admit a failing, I was positive the current President would have used "I" more often. Appears both Presidents nearly used it equally.

No matter how many times Obama said "I" in a speech, it never was all about him the way it is with Trump. When he said things like "that's not the America I know" it wasn't about him at all. Trump might as well just scream "Me, motherfuckers! It's all about Me!"


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
This chart needs to be updated with a graph for Bro's.
Well the graph is of elected officials and there aren’t too many of them that would qualify as Bernie Bros, haha. I would say the House caucus has developed a hump on the left in recent years but is probably overall around the same or even more moderate today than it was then. This would be because Democrats won a lot of swing districts in 2018 while they held very few in 2016.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Oh man this thread is hilarious!!

I as well as others have said this before but it bears repeating: everything Republicans and righties accused Obama and the Democrats of has been nothing but a mirror to all the shit trump and Republicans have done.

Do any of these guys want to chime in and defend their blatant hypocrisy and total silence in regards to the things they complained about Obama and that trump has embodied 100%?

Pcgeek? I see you've already seen this necro, what say you?

well, it's just your opinion that PCgeek said those things in the past, and it's really just his opinion that he might have said what you think he said!


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
President Trumps 2020 "I" count for his speech was 67 times, I counted the times he said "I'm" because I'd bet whomever did whatever Obama speech counted them. I did not count the times he used "I" as an expression of hope as in "I hope we can..." (not the Presidents exact words I forgot but the "I" usage was more a question).

Edit. 2016 SOTU speech had 66 to 68 I or I'm. Two were question like but it is hard to say for sure because Obama's speech was a lot better written. The speech lasted 58 minutes per Wikipedia, the Presidents 2020 speech went for 1 hour 18 minutes per Wikipedia.

I'll admit a failing, I was positive the current President would have used "I" more often. Appears both Presidents nearly used it equally.

dude, when he doesn't use "I," he uses Trump. It's only ever "Trump" or "I" with the cockwaffle.
Feb 4, 2009
dude, when he doesn't use "I," he uses Trump. It's only ever "Trump" or "I" with the cockwaffle.

Per FindR chrome word search extension they appear to use I a similar amount of times. I didn't search for "Trump", regardless Obama didn't say it 77 times in a 33 minute speech.
Feb 4, 2009
No matter how many times Obama said "I" in a speech, it never was all about him the way it is with Trump. When he said things like "that's not the America I know" it wasn't about him at all. Trump might as well just scream "Me, motherfuckers! It's all about Me!"

"The Squad"?


Jun 12, 2005
Yea, cuz that's all he's got, no shame left and downvotes are gone lol

Yeah, I think you need to dig more.

I as many others ( meaning everybody, you included ) say dumb things every now and again.

If that is what you want to spend your time doing that is fine by me. I'm just glad to bring you a little comedic pleasure. You obviously don't have much else if this is what you have to spend your free time doing.

I have better things to do than to go digging in the past for stupid comments so I can point at someone. It makes you look small and petty in my opinion.


Nov 4, 2004
Yeah, I think you need to dig more.

I as many others ( meaning everybody, you included ) say dumb things every now and again.

If that is what you want to spend your time doing that is fine by me. I'm just glad to bring you a little comedic pleasure. You obviously don't have much else if this is what you have to spend your free time doing.

I have better things to do than to go digging in the past for stupid comments so I can point at someone. It makes you look small and petty in my opinion.

Look at a conservative try to shame others online, pretending like he knows somebody. All because his obvious partisan bias was presented to him by some whippersnappers.

This ain't your lawn bro, STFU and deal with it.

Oh man this thread is hilarious!!

I as well as others have said this before but it bears repeating: everything Republicans and righties accused Obama and the Democrats of has been nothing but a mirror to all the shit trump and Republicans have done.

Do any of these guys want to chime in and defend their blatant hypocrisy and total silence in regards to the things they complained about Obama and that trump has embodied 100%?

Pcgeek? I see you've already seen this necro, what say you?

He's mad someone would dare bring it up.
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Jun 12, 2005
Look at a conservative try to shame others online, pretending like he knows somebody. All because his obvious partisan bias was presented to him by some whippersnappers.

This ain't your lawn bro, STFU and deal with it.

He's mad someone would dare bring it up.

Again you are sadly mistaken. I'm not trying to shame anyone, nor am I mad about anything.

Continue with your circle jerk...................


"This ain't your lawn bro, STFU and deal with it."

Looks like I hit a nerve.


Nov 4, 2004
Again you are sadly mistaken. I'm not trying to shame anyone, nor am I mad about anything.

Continue with your circle jerk...................


"This ain't your lawn bro, STFU and deal with it."

Looks like I hit a nerve.

Solid projection reply, good job!

edit: Thanks for the "lol" like. I agree, your projection and obvious political bias is pretty funny!
  • Haha
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Feb 6, 2002
Yeah, I think you need to dig more.

I as many others ( meaning everybody, you included ) say dumb things every now and again.

If that is what you want to spend your time doing that is fine by me. I'm just glad to bring you a little comedic pleasure. You obviously don't have much else if this is what you have to spend your free time doing.

I have better things to do than to go digging in the past for stupid comments so I can point at someone. It makes you look small and petty in my opinion.
If you had any principles there wouldn't be egg on your face. You look like a piece of french toast.

Why don't you just admit not having the same standards for Trump as you had for the Kenyan interloper? That would be the most honest thing from you in a year.
Feb 4, 2009
If you had any principles there wouldn't be egg on your face. You look like a piece of french toast.

Why don't you just admit not having the same standards for Trump as you had for the Kenyan interloper? That would be the most honest thing from you in a year.

In PCGeeks defense, he hasn’t been a strong supporter of Trump and I’m nearly positive he stated he doesn’t intend to vote for him come November around a year or two ago.
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