Originally posted by: M0RPH
Originally posted by: RichardE
Even Hilarys plan is not UHC....Its "Forced Health Insurance for Every American!"
UHC is government paid for medical expenses..
Yes, that is the most PURE form of UHC, where a person just walks into a hospital and gets whatever they need without cost ever coming up. The government handles all the costs and it's transparent to the citizens. I commend Canada for having such a system.
However, all that's really happening here is that you are paying, through your taxes, the same thing that we are paying through our health insurance. So basically you are being forced to buy into a really good health insurance plan (with zero copays) through your taxes... i.e. "Forced health insurance for every Canadian!" Congrats on that.
Except your guys taxes are already going to health insurance on a level much higher than Canadian ones (per citizen average). Which means theoretically you should be able to provide service to every citizen at a level higher than the Canadian service. As I said earlier, these forced health insurance plans are a band aid solution that will not fix the money sink hole your health care has become.