To some degree, you are right. I never spent a dime on formula, and none of my kids ever ate that baby food crap. Clothes aren't really that expensive, especially if you are a thrifty shopper.
The big question is: Does the mother stay home with the kids, or put them in day care? That is where the $$$ comes in.
Day care for an infant averages about $200 a week, I believe. More in other parts of the country, I'm sure. It gets adjusted as the kid gets older... less diapers to change, I suppose. And yes, the kid will get sick more often. Heck, at one center down here, they left a baby in the day care van and he died. Nice, huh?
BTW... Day care workers barely make minimum wage. Even the educated ones. Go
An episode of 20/20 or one of those news shows proved that for most people, having one parent at home actually saves money. A lot of people don't realize this. When both parents are exhausted, it makes life very, very difficult. Thank goodness there are more options, like working from home, nowadays.
I know some stay at home dads who rock, by the way!
Best of luck to you and the missus!