Nvidia has always felt threatened by...Intel?

Jul 27, 2020

Nvidia bought that firm after the public spat with Intel over raytracing where Intel declared that Larrabee was good enough for real time raytracing. It almost sounds like a panic purchase. "Get that company before someone else, maybe Intel(!), gets their hands on it!!!", Jensen must have shrieked. Maybe the tech/patents/researchers from that firm were responsible for evolving their nascent technology into what we know as RTX today?

Now the war is on between Intel and Nvidia over AI hardware supremacy. The up and coming player seems to be Jim Keller's Tenstorrent. Intel probably can't afford to buy a company at this point so maybe Nvidia will snatch them up sooner or later? Are we going to see a repeat of history where Nvidia strengthens itself because of its fear of what Intel could achieve and *shudder* finally surpass them?