NVIDIA Control Panel locking up again... why?


Senior member
Oct 26, 2005
So I just replaced the GTX 470 in one of my machines with a GTX 970 and went from 350.12 to 353.30, and the stupid control panel freezes for about two minutes before allowing and changes to settings - assuming it doesn't completely crash. I've encountered this in many different NVIDIA driver releases over the years, but 350.12 didn't do it. Has anyone established what the root cause of this is and how to make it behave normally? AMD's CCC never does this to me...

I should note that I removed the 470, rebooted, DDU, rebooted, installed 970, loaded 353.30 clean install.

I did this same process with the wife's AMD HD 6870 and hers works fine. We have identical CPU, mobo, RAM, BIOS, etc.


Golden Member
Aug 27, 2011
Mine only does it if I do not install geforce experience and seeing how geforce experience likes to break things it is 100% worth the minute wait.


Golden Member
Jun 13, 2013
Since delay is so long, i would suggest using tool like process explorer and looking at thread stack traces of nvcplui process. While it is advanced technique, i would not be suprised that you will see some unusual CPU activity or outright strange DLL's in action due to injection or sth.

Other than that, clean windows reinstall solves those mysteries and with Windows 10 around the corner i would definately wait for it and reinstall.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
Try the hotfix. Never ran into this with my 660 or the two Nvidia cards before it.


Sep 12, 2012
Does it occur when trying to change advanced 3d settings and do you have a large game library installed?

I had this issue with my old 970sli's, with a 5tb steam folder cp would lock up for well over 5mins as soon as I tried to change an advanced setting.

Forum searches suggests un/reinstalling the steam client may alleviate the issue.

I instead tried upgrading to a win 10 insider build because I wanted to try it anyway and figured a fresh install would do the trick. Problem persisted.

I ended up resolving the issue by having my raid stripe fail (unrelated) and losing my everything ��.

Upon completing a mountain of downloading I'm back in action and it's working just fine.

Probably not that helpful, but I'm fairly sure it something to do with an indexing issue when the cp goes trawling for installed games.
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