NV Super refresh reviews

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Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2009
Did you see H100 GPUs (AI chips really) are selling for $40k each? It might be a rough off ramp. I assuming they are planning for that somehow…
That price is insane. We got an A100 couple years back for less than 10k. But demand now is of course much, much higher. But as soon as you can get the same inference performance from a smaller, less power hungry chip that probbaly costs 1/3 to produce, that market will erode quickly. Most people don't need to train a LLM. But NV themselves are likley working on such products.

The hype may die down, but deep Learning usage is only going to get more pervasive.

Data Centers likely also have use cases for GPU compute, so they can buy Data Center GPUs that do both.

Dedicated HW will eat some market share, but there is nothing stopping NVidia from also making dedicated Tensor parts for Data Center if there was a strong move away from GPUs. Dedicated HW actually came first as Google was making their own dedicated Tensor units before NVidia added the functionality.

I agree, usage is going up because big corporations adaptiing takes time but then in 1-3 years when al the big gains promised are not really measurable at all except the fortune you paid for the AI model, then things will quickly cool down. And yeah pretty sure NV is also doing R&D for simple inferencing cards.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2006
I agree, usage is going up because big corporations adaptiing takes time but then in 1-3 years when al the big gains promised are not really measurable at all except the fortune you paid for the AI model, then things will quickly cool down. And yeah pretty sure NV is also doing R&D for simple inferencing cards.

The big gains are going to be replacing humans with DL models, and that will be easy to measure and it will happen.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2003
I am revisiting my $200 4060 statement from before.

I think someday it will probably happen, it might take a couple years and there might be some further simplification of the card to optimize its value.

However, the whole reason I put it forward was that even while nvidia has the consumer GPU front on autopilot due to it being not nearly as profitable as their other markets, it was important that they have an affordable and useful card to keep the their sales funnel healthy for future purchasers should they find themselves pivoting back.

When I said that I was completely forgetting the 3050 8GB and had forgotten/not critically considered the 3050 6GB. These cards are truly the 1050/1050Ti of 2024 and I think they fill exactly the niche I was speaking to.

So nvidia top to bottom is optimized for ASP but not completely closed off to new customers or those looking for just enough to game/be productive. That's not particularly consumer friendly for those of us looking for value in the middle, but they are tilting the stack so that shoppers loosen their purse strings a bit. That's "working as intended."


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2009
The big gains are going to be replacing humans with DL models, and that will be easy to measure and it will happen.
I can see it happening in marketing. But else? Here they are planing to release an LLM to the entire staff. will probbaly costs double digits millions per year, at least if users heavily use it and I can't see how that much money is saved by using it.


Golden Member
Mar 21, 2022
I can see it happening in marketing. But else? Here they are planing to release an LLM to the entire staff. will probably costs double digits millions per year, at least if users heavily use it and I can't see how that much money is saved by using it.

I expect general practitioners to eventually be replaced by LLMs+people who are just trained to do physical examinations. In my country, new GPs are now mostly women who want to work part-time (which makes them much less experienced than the old GPs that worked 40+ hours and which results in shortages) and who appear to be googling stuff anyway. This will be of biggest benefit to poor people, BTW.

I expect that translators will be replaced with LLMs pretty soon.

I expect that lots of art will start getting made by LLMs, although I expect that the main effect will be a much greater access to custom art, music, etc by people who would never commission something from a real person anyway. The artists who are already struggling will probably lose their jobs, but not the top tier ones.

For programming it may actually make it easier for junior programmers to get a job, if they learn how to use LLMs well. It's often hard to justify hiring a junior programmer since they require so much handholding and often run away quickly again for a variety of reasons. An LLM can not only help them write code, but also help them figure out what existing code actually does. Historically, programming having been made easier just increased what is expected from software, rather than cost jobs, so programmer's jobs may change, but I doubt that they'll go away.

Most people who do writing will probably start using LLMs ('write a paragraph arguing that...'). Lots of (young) people are not too literate anyway.

Teachers will probably be replaced with LLMs eventually that effectively work as a personal tutor. Given the decline in education, this may happen quicker than we think as one sensible company making a LLM based on traditional teaching methods is likely going to beat the insanity of modern education 'professionals.' Basically, parents will pay for a LLM to fix the bad schooling of their kids, rather than the homework institutions they currently use.

Journalists mostly just rewrite copy delivered to them by others. They'll definitely be replaced by LLMs together with people picking the right stories (and 'right' political manipulative angle how the story is to be presented).

My observation over the years is that people tend to overestimate how fast new technology matures, but underestimate the effect it will have in the long term.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2006
I can see it happening in marketing. But else? Here they are planing to release an LLM to the entire staff. will probbaly costs double digits millions per year, at least if users heavily use it and I can't see how that much money is saved by using it.

Anything that doesn't require a physical body.

Software developers are already writing/testing/debugging code with LLMs. It won't eliminate all software developers, but you will need fewer.

DL models can already read X-Rays better than most humans. The FDA approved AI reading chest xrays over 4 years ago:

We are seeing labor disputes from worried "creatives" as AI is generating art in various forms.

We are still on the cusp now. DL is going to get better at everything. A large chunk of future jobs will be interfacing with DL models.

Soon, you won't need to waste your time on pointless forum arguments, you can just have a DL agent do that for you. ;)


Aug 14, 2000
Guys, guys, this is impossible!!!



Oct 1, 2010
Guys, guys, this is impossible!!!

Wrong thread? And the Powercolor 7700 XTs look like it was a closeout deal (?) given that it's not just OOS but says those models may not be restocked. The XFX model which was also $340 is back to $439.


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2024
Will wonders never cease to amaze? $350 for a 12GB card and 192bit bus. Can we get to $300? Sub $300 on the 4060ti? You know, where the prices should have been for all of these cards since the beginning.
If the card is not popular and in demand, it would be much cheaper. The more people who want to buy it, the more expensive it is. In a few years its price will be around $200 or less, I think so.

Hello everyone, this is my first post.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2023
Wrong thread? And the Powercolor 7700 XTs look like it was a closeout deal (?) given that it's not just OOS but says those models may not be restocked. The XFX model which was also $340 is back to $439.
Maybe prepare for RDNA4?


Jan 8, 2001
Maybe I've said this before, but the 4070Ti Super is what I would have liked to have bought when I got my 4070Ti (especially for the 16GB). I'd like the performance of the RTX 4080 (or 7900 XTX), but it's overkill till I get a high refresh rate monitor. I'd just rather pay $800 for that performance - so the 4080 got an okay price drop, but no real perf boost. Maybe next year. We are beginning to plan an ~two week vacation/pilgrimage to France next year for out 30th wedding anniversary - so if airline tickets and accommodation prices skyrocket, that could impact my hobby spending.


Golden Member
Sep 16, 2009
Under $150. It's old, it's nothing to brag about.

Video cards are meant to be had, in order to provide us with some fun, not for bragging rights.

However this forum is incompatible with 8GB cards, so I hope for your sake, your card has more than 8GBs, otherwise uh oh....!

(inside joke, don't pay attention, welcome) xD


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2014
However this forum is incompatible with 8GB cards, so I hope for your sake, your card has more than 8GBs, otherwise uh oh....!
For someone who was in it "for the science", you sure did take that thread to heart. Worry not, as the 4060 slowly dips below $300 and the 4060 Ti dances it's way under $350, the 8GB criticism will fade and be replaced by the "whatever, fine" verdict.

By the way, have you noticed how this forum had no major issues with the 3050 6GB considering the overall purpose and price of the card? Same folks, different outcome. Just goes to show it was never about some arbitrary limit imposed by the crowd, even if you chose to see it that way.


Aug 14, 2000
Another price cut. I guess suddenly both AMD and NV decided to sell their cards at a loss, amirite? OMG guys, my pants are on fire!



Junior Member
Feb 8, 2024
Video cards are meant to be had, in order to provide us with some fun, not for bragging rights.

However this forum is incompatible with 8GB cards, so I hope for your sake, your card has more than 8GBs, otherwise uh oh....!

(inside joke, don't pay attention, welcome) xD
Thank you. I'm just looking for something powerful :)


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2024
What would be your dream card and why?
See below
Another price cut. I guess suddenly both AMD and NV decided to sell their cards at a loss, amirite? OMG guys, my pants are on fire!

Oh no, those guys will never sell something at a loss :) It's more like competition or testing the market. But the price has indeed become more attractive.