While there have been very few policies of the current Bush administration which I have approved of, for once it looks like they are about to advocate a very good idea.
Its time we start talking about nuclear power again as a solution to our energy needs. For all the hype about Three Mile Island, all the evidence is that an insignificant amount of radiation was released into the enviroment, which has had no detectable effects on the population in the area. While Chernobyl was an ugly nuclear accident, it involved a nuclear power plant which was a deficient design with safety systems way worse than anything in the rest of the world. Most notably, all it needed was a proper concrete containment system and almost all of the radiactive material that got released would have stayed inside the plant. All the nuclear power plants opperating in the US (and virually all if not every country in the world today) have this concrete containment system. In fact, with the modern designs we are talking about building, there is no risk of an accident releasing significant amounts of radiation into the enviroment.
For all the concerns about nuclear power, many people don't seem to have the same concerns about coal power, which currently provides over 50% of the US's energy needs. However coal power plants are by far a worse offender than nuclear power plants are when it comes to releasing radioactive materials into the enviroment.
For all the concerns about what to do with radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants, placing it all in a single location designed to be safe is a much better idea than simply breathing it into our lungs all the time. Its also worth noting that nuclear reprocessing can actually eliminate most of that nuclear waste by reusing it as fuel instead. The risks involved with storing all that waste in one place are not anywhere near the consequences of continuing to simply emmit greenhouse effect causing CO2 gases from fossil fuel burning power plants like we are doing currently. Nuclear power represents a way for us to effectively start doing something about this today. Its time to start sensibly talking about nuclear power as an option again and realistically looking at what the consequences are for kneejerk anti-nuclear sentiment.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co...06/01/25/AR2006012502229_2.html?sub=ARNuclear Energy Plan Would Use Spent Fuel
By Peter Baker and Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, January 26, 2006; Page A01
The Bush administration is preparing a plan to expand civilian nuclear energy at home and abroad while taking spent fuel from foreign countries and reprocessing it, in a break with decades of U.S. policy, according to U.S. and foreign officials briefed on the initiative.
The United States has adamantly opposed reprocessing spent fuel from civilian reactors since the 1970s because it would produce material that could be used in nuclear weapons. But the Bush program, envisioned as a multi-decade effort dubbed the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, would invest research money to develop technologies intended to avoid any such risk, the officials said...
Advocates use the word "recycling" to describe an advanced form of reprocessing that, instead of separating plutonium that can be used in bombs from spent fuel, would produce a mixed-oxide fuel too radioactive for terrorists to handle. Such fuel, called MOX, could be used in special reactors that exist in France but not in the United States.
Edwin Lyman, a senior scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit think tank that studies environmental and security issues, said U.N. nuclear inspectors would not make a distinction between that material or the kind of separated plutonium the world is worried Iran might get.
"We think they are putting a fig leaf on it by calling it proliferation-resistant and saying that it's not really reprocessing, so concerns about proliferation risks won't be valid," he said. "But if we develop something that we call proliferation-resistant and it really isn't, then other countries are going to claim rights to this technology. If it's really proliferation-resistant, would we let Iran have it?"
The fuel proposal is part of a broader push by the president for domestic and global nuclear energy. With worldwide energy demands on the rise and U.S. reliance on foreign oil increasing, Bush has held out nuclear power as a solution that will not affect global warming. "We ought to have more nuclear power in the United States of America," Bush said in a speech last week in Loudoun County. "It's clean, it's renewable, it's safer than it ever was in the past."
In a modern version of the Atoms for Peace program during President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration, officials said the administration envisions helping developing countries build small nuclear reactors that would produce about 5 to 10 percent of the energy generated by a typical reactor now on line in the United States. Some in Congress believe a global nuclear energy program is aimed at aiding the U.S. effort to build an alliance with India, which is eager for U.S. civilian nuclear technology.
Two senior U.S. officials traveled last week to several countries, including Japan and Russia, to brief them about the initiative. At one session, according to a source who was present, the administration officials said the United States has finally moved on from the Three Mile Island nuclear incident in 1979 that paralyzed the industry for years.
Rather than just provide nuclear fuel to other countries that want to have their own reactors, Bodman suggested, the United States would also take back the fuel once it has been spent. "In the longer term, we see fuel-cycle states offering cradle-to-grave fuel-cycle services, leasing fuel for power reactors and then taking it back for reprocessing and ultimate disposition."
The main purpose for reprocessing spent fuel is to extract the radioactive plutonium within it and use that to fuel a reactor. But the process is considered dangerous, and many countries gave up civilian reprocessing years ago.
Officials briefed on the Bush plan said $250 million -- less than requested by the Energy Department -- will be included in the fiscal 2007 budget in a down payment on what they expect to be billions of dollars of spending. Among other things, it would pay for a pilot plant, possibly at the department's Savannah River facility in South Carolina, to test chemical reprocessing. If the program goes forward as planned, the domestic nuclear industry stands to reap hundreds of millions of dollars.
U.S. officials said they are interested in developing reactors that would not produce spent fuel that could be accessed by recipient countries. One model is a self-contained reactor that cannot be opened, is never refueled and is removed when it runs out of energy. Another, known as a pebble-bed reactor, has been under development in Germany and South Africa and likewise would not have fuel that could be used for weapons.
Its time we start talking about nuclear power again as a solution to our energy needs. For all the hype about Three Mile Island, all the evidence is that an insignificant amount of radiation was released into the enviroment, which has had no detectable effects on the population in the area. While Chernobyl was an ugly nuclear accident, it involved a nuclear power plant which was a deficient design with safety systems way worse than anything in the rest of the world. Most notably, all it needed was a proper concrete containment system and almost all of the radiactive material that got released would have stayed inside the plant. All the nuclear power plants opperating in the US (and virually all if not every country in the world today) have this concrete containment system. In fact, with the modern designs we are talking about building, there is no risk of an accident releasing significant amounts of radiation into the enviroment.
For all the concerns about nuclear power, many people don't seem to have the same concerns about coal power, which currently provides over 50% of the US's energy needs. However coal power plants are by far a worse offender than nuclear power plants are when it comes to releasing radioactive materials into the enviroment.
http://www.ornl.gov/info/ornlreview/rev26-34/text/colmain.htmlUsing these data, the releases of radioactive materials per typical plant can be calculated for any year. For the year 1982, assuming coal contains uranium and thorium concentrations of 1.3 ppm and 3.2 ppm, respectively, each typical plant released 5.2 tons of uranium (containing 74 pounds of uranium-235) and 12.8 tons of thorium that year. Total U.S. releases in 1982 (from 154 typical plants) amounted to 801 tons of uranium (containing 11,371 pounds of uranium-235) and 1971 tons of thorium. These figures account for only 74% of releases from combustion of coal from all sources. Releases in 1982 from worldwide combustion of 2800 million tons of coal totaled 3640 tons of uranium (containing 51,700 pounds of uranium-235) and 8960 tons of thorium.
For all the concerns about what to do with radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants, placing it all in a single location designed to be safe is a much better idea than simply breathing it into our lungs all the time. Its also worth noting that nuclear reprocessing can actually eliminate most of that nuclear waste by reusing it as fuel instead. The risks involved with storing all that waste in one place are not anywhere near the consequences of continuing to simply emmit greenhouse effect causing CO2 gases from fossil fuel burning power plants like we are doing currently. Nuclear power represents a way for us to effectively start doing something about this today. Its time to start sensibly talking about nuclear power as an option again and realistically looking at what the consequences are for kneejerk anti-nuclear sentiment.