Noticed that this year saw more libertarian Dems than libertarian Repubs?

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Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
There was Charles O'Connor in NY, then there was the paleoconservative guy in TN who actually won the nomination for U.S. Senate.

Then I'm friends with a guy on facebook who is going to run for the S.C. Legislature as a Democrat Party libertarian.

In fact, I'm not even sure that any Austrians ran as Republicans.

Ironically, the Blue Dog Democrats, most of whom lost re-election in 2010, were less statist than the the Neo Tea Partiers turned out to be.

The Republicans also treated Dr. Paul much worse than the Democrats did because the Democrats listened to him while Republicans Cantor and boehner tried to reschedule his farewell address... Dennis Kucinich is less fiscally liberal than Santorum is FFS.
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