North Carolina town puts Juneteenth in context


Jan 14, 2013
for the jobs whites lost related to things like, say, overseeing slaves. They acknowledge the importance of Juneteenth to slaves, but then shit on it by saying it was a tough time for the whites that had to stop profiting off of slavery. Unbelievable.

"It said the event would talk about slaves and their reaction to getting their freedom, but that it would also include the impact on slave overseers losing their jobs, “white refugees” who were displaced, as well as confederate soldiers returning home after the way. "

Oh fuck. Imagine if the Germans were saying the poor Nazis got unemployed cause they couldn't live off cooking Jews in ovens and putting them in camps, and the poor Nazi soldiers coming home were now losers having fought for terrible shit. The only problem with the Civil War is the South wasn't punished enough.
Nov 8, 2012
We get it - you love racial segregation of our past and would die if you didn't make a new thread about it every day.

One has to wonder how many of you commit suicide it we actually came together as humans instead of giving nonstop virtue signaling for your amazing work of talking about how black people are so different.

Oh wait, that's literally the definition of racism lol.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
We get it - you love racial segregation of our past and would die if you didn't make a new thread about it every day.

One has to wonder how many of you commit suicide it we actually came together as humans instead of giving nonstop virtue signaling for your amazing work of talking about how black people are so different.

Oh wait, that's literally the definition of racism lol.
Fuck off shitbag.


Jan 14, 2013
We get it - you love racial segregation of our past and would die if you didn't make a new thread about it every day.

One has to wonder how many of you commit suicide it we actually came together as humans instead of giving nonstop virtue signaling for your amazing work of talking about how black people are so different.

Oh wait, that's literally the definition of racism lol.

Everytime I think you can't get more dumb you are the gift that keeps on giving.

Where did I say black people were different because of race? It's clear they were treated differently in this country because of their race however. Big fucking difference. But you conservitards that want to whitewash history to protect your racist ass selves from dealing in reality and so you can create future generations of ignoramuses so you can repeat history and be as racist as you want to be again are a dime a dozen.

What a pathetic bunch of dbags.

I bet deep down you feel worse for the unemployed white slave overseers than a single slave.


Oct 18, 2009
As was mentioned in another thread, in 2015, the UK finally finished paying off reparations to the victims of the abolishment of slavery…the ex-slave owners for their “lost” property.

The slaves themselves were given less than zero.


Jun 7, 2019
Juneteenth is a Texas holiday. There were sill slaves in the border states and New Jersey.


Jan 12, 2005
We get it - you love racial segregation of our past and would die if you didn't make a new thread about it every day.

One has to wonder how many of you commit suicide it we actually came together as humans instead of giving nonstop virtue signaling for your amazing work of talking about how black people are so different.

Oh wait, that's literally the definition of racism lol.
Are you really as much of an idiot as you portray yourself here?
I find it hard to believe that someone that can function in society and use a computer finds it as hard as you do to parse information.
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Jun 12, 2005
It appears that the head of this is an African American. Or am I reading this wrong?

Statement Regarding ‘Kingdom Coming’ Event
Many times I have stopped at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee Alabama to visit the Lifting the Veil of Ignorance Monument. It is a tribute to Booker T. Washington who founded Tuskegee University. The inscription I love the most is "he lifted the veil of ignorance from his people and pointed the way to progress through education and industry." The statue portrays Booker T. Washington lifting a veil of ignorance from a frightened slave, who is crouched on a plow and anvil depicting tools of agriculture and holding a book, which represents education. Washington sought to bring a better life to his people through education. As Chief Plenty Coups said, “education is your most powerful weapon. With education, you are the white man’s equal; without education, you are his victim, and so shall remain all your lives.”
I, Ian Campbell, as an American man of African descent and the new site manager at Historic Latta Plantation, will lift the veil of ignorance. Under my leadership, the Latta staff will assist in this educational endeavor. With the little information that we have about Latta Plantation, also known as Riverside, the stories of those enslaved as well as freedmen will be told. This new narrative will also include the stories of other enslaved men, women, and children on many other plantations in the United States. It will also include the stories of those enslaved and free before, during, and after the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican American War, the American Civil War and Reconstruction.
For decades Historic Latta Plantation has been focused on two time periods in American history, the American Revolution and the Civil War. That is changing, Latta will now focus on the period of reconstruction as well. Most people have forgotten about this period in our American history. Most educators as well as most of the general public skip this section and move on to the 1900’s or the civil rights movement. Many of the racial issues that we face today are linked to slavery and reconstruction. Just recently, for the first time in their lives, many people just acquired knowledge of the Tulsa Race Massacre. History is not just about one-time period or one group of people. The program “Kingdom Coming” was created by myself, with the help of others. I, Ian Campbell, Site Manager of Historic Latta Plantation take full responsibility for its content entirely! To the masses on social media and politicians, no apology will be given for bringing a unique program to educate the public about former slaves becoming FREE!
The Confederacy will never be glorified, white supremacy will never be glorified, plantation owners, white refugees or overseers will never be glorified. What will be commemorated is the story of our people who overcame being snatched from their loved ones in Mother Africa and taken to a new and strange land. To work from can see to can’t see from birth to death. The fact that they survived and we are here and continue to thrive and prosper will be glorified.
Swing Low Sweet Chariot was used to represent freedom on earth from plantation owners. “What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun?” Ecclesiastes 1:3. The profits of these freedmen would go into their pockets and not the pockets of their owners. To tell the story of these freedmen would be pointless if the stories of others were not included. Many of you may not like this but, their lives were intertwined, the stories of massa, the Confederate soldiers, the overseer, the displaced white families. How would we know how the enslaved became free or what their lives were like before freedom came? It didn’t happen with the stroke of a pen. Federal troops came across many of these plantations to enforce federal laws and many of the owners fled. What they couldn’t take with them they left behind, this included many of their enslaved property. Considered offensive for today, the song Kingdom Coming, The Year of Jubilo highlights the perceived enslaved view point. The core point of this program was overlooked by scores of people.
Those formerly enslaved are now freedmen and have taken over the massa’s house, the house they toiled in seven days a week or in many cases on other plantations even built. They are now living high on the hog, bottom rail on top massa. They now control their own destiny, they have the right to decide on what they want to do with their lives, not the plantation owner! This is what made the white supremacist of the period mad, a former slave on equal footing with whites. The right to get legally married, the right to sign a labor contract on their terms and conditions, the right to an education, also having children without fear of them being sold down the river.
The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, simply known as the Freedmen’s Bureau, enforced many of these laws to the dismay of the white population. All this was part of what was called reconstruction. History is not always pretty, Juneteenth was chosen because it means freedom to many and it was a time to celebrate and be joyful. With current events that are ongoing, America is still in reconstruction. We have to know where we come from to understand where we are going. It was painful, it still is painful, we have to honor our ancestors for the sake of those that will be conceived.
However, freedom didn’t come in 1865 when General Gordon Grainger announced General Order Number 3 in Galveston, Texas. Many enslaved people began to steal themselves away when the abhorrent practice of slavery was brought to the Americas. As Union troops occupied the south and plantations early in the war, freedom came for many of the enslaved before Juneteenth, this included cities such as New Orleans and plantations on both sides of the mighty Mississippi. Many people complained about Historic Latta not doing anything for Juneteenth. Then when I create a unique event to highlight our successful struggle out of slavery, there is backlash from many who have never visited our historical site. William T. Sherman had a dislike for the media of his day.
I understand what he may have been going through. I by no means will let this deter me and the vision of lifting the veil of ignorance. The event was canceled due to security concerns for volunteers and staff. The media’s corps of yellow journalist had a perfect opportunity to educate, however, they chose to whip the public into a frenzy, it worked. “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel. In regards to social media, Chief Justice John Roberts said “in our age, social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale.”
It was not until after the social media frenzy that Latta received numerous emails and phone calls about the event. I also received a phone call from Vi Lyles, the mayor of Charlotte. As long as I have been at Historic Latta Plantation as a volunteer, then as a part-time employee, then as the education coordinator, then as the interpretive farm manager, then as site manager, I have never seen Vi Lyles, the Mayor of the great city of Charlotte visit our site or any other influential and prominent government officials. The same applies to NPR, WBTV, the Charlotte observer et al. This applies to some of those citizens in the community that have been offended. Your opinions and concerns
have been respectfully noted. However, after reading this, many of you will still be offended, some will be supportive, thank you.
In closing, my job will be to continue to educate. Historic Latta Plantation’s narrative will be to give a voice to our ancestors enslaved and as freedmen who were denied a voice. We will speak for them in a compassionate, accurate, and sensitive manner.
Ian Campbell
Site Manager
Historic Latta Plantation
Ian Campbell, Site Manager

Ian Campbell, Site Manager

Our Historic site will be closed on Sunday, June 13, 2021.
Closed Monday and Tuesday
I0am to 5pm
Sunday 1pm to 5pm/ Closed on Sunday, June 13, 2021.

Admission includes a guided house tour and a self-tour of the grounds and outbuildings.
Guided house tours are scheduled hourly starting at 10AM Wednesday-Saturday and starting at 1PM on Sunday. The last tour starts at 4PM.
During event weekends, there will be no guided house tours, we will have “open house.” The house will be closed from 12:30pm to 1:00pm on event weekends.
Visitors may purchase tickets at the Visitor Center.
Guided tours of the house and some outbuildings are offered through the Tarheel Tour (see below).
Historic Latta Plantation is closed on New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Historic Latta Plantation is closed on New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


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Jan 14, 2013
It appears that the head of this is an African American. Or am I reading this wrong?

Statement Regarding ‘Kingdom Coming’ Event
Many times I have stopped at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee Alabama to visit the Lifting the Veil of Ignorance Monument. It is a tribute to Booker T. Washington who founded Tuskegee University. The inscription I love the most is "he lifted the veil of ignorance from his people and pointed the way to progress through education and industry." The statue portrays Booker T. Washington lifting a veil of ignorance from a frightened slave, who is crouched on a plow and anvil depicting tools of agriculture and holding a book, which represents education. Washington sought to bring a better life to his people through education. As Chief Plenty Coups said, “education is your most powerful weapon. With education, you are the white man’s equal; without education, you are his victim, and so shall remain all your lives.”
I, Ian Campbell, as an American man of African descent and the new site manager at Historic Latta Plantation, will lift the veil of ignorance. Under my leadership, the Latta staff will assist in this educational endeavor. With the little information that we have about Latta Plantation, also known as Riverside, the stories of those enslaved as well as freedmen will be told. This new narrative will also include the stories of other enslaved men, women, and children on many other plantations in the United States. It will also include the stories of those enslaved and free before, during, and after the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican American War, the American Civil War and Reconstruction.
For decades Historic Latta Plantation has been focused on two time periods in American history, the American Revolution and the Civil War. That is changing, Latta will now focus on the period of reconstruction as well. Most people have forgotten about this period in our American history. Most educators as well as most of the general public skip this section and move on to the 1900’s or the civil rights movement. Many of the racial issues that we face today are linked to slavery and reconstruction. Just recently, for the first time in their lives, many people just acquired knowledge of the Tulsa Race Massacre. History is not just about one-time period or one group of people. The program “Kingdom Coming” was created by myself, with the help of others. I, Ian Campbell, Site Manager of Historic Latta Plantation take full responsibility for its content entirely! To the masses on social media and politicians, no apology will be given for bringing a unique program to educate the public about former slaves becoming FREE!
The Confederacy will never be glorified, white supremacy will never be glorified, plantation owners, white refugees or overseers will never be glorified. What will be commemorated is the story of our people who overcame being snatched from their loved ones in Mother Africa and taken to a new and strange land. To work from can see to can’t see from birth to death. The fact that they survived and we are here and continue to thrive and prosper will be glorified.
Swing Low Sweet Chariot was used to represent freedom on earth from plantation owners. “What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun?” Ecclesiastes 1:3. The profits of these freedmen would go into their pockets and not the pockets of their owners. To tell the story of these freedmen would be pointless if the stories of others were not included. Many of you may not like this but, their lives were intertwined, the stories of massa, the Confederate soldiers, the overseer, the displaced white families. How would we know how the enslaved became free or what their lives were like before freedom came? It didn’t happen with the stroke of a pen. Federal troops came across many of these plantations to enforce federal laws and many of the owners fled. What they couldn’t take with them they left behind, this included many of their enslaved property. Considered offensive for today, the song Kingdom Coming, The Year of Jubilo highlights the perceived enslaved view point. The core point of this program was overlooked by scores of people.
Those formerly enslaved are now freedmen and have taken over the massa’s house, the house they toiled in seven days a week or in many cases on other plantations even built. They are now living high on the hog, bottom rail on top massa. They now control their own destiny, they have the right to decide on what they want to do with their lives, not the plantation owner! This is what made the white supremacist of the period mad, a former slave on equal footing with whites. The right to get legally married, the right to sign a labor contract on their terms and conditions, the right to an education, also having children without fear of them being sold down the river.
The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, simply known as the Freedmen’s Bureau, enforced many of these laws to the dismay of the white population. All this was part of what was called reconstruction. History is not always pretty, Juneteenth was chosen because it means freedom to many and it was a time to celebrate and be joyful. With current events that are ongoing, America is still in reconstruction. We have to know where we come from to understand where we are going. It was painful, it still is painful, we have to honor our ancestors for the sake of those that will be conceived.
However, freedom didn’t come in 1865 when General Gordon Grainger announced General Order Number 3 in Galveston, Texas. Many enslaved people began to steal themselves away when the abhorrent practice of slavery was brought to the Americas. As Union troops occupied the south and plantations early in the war, freedom came for many of the enslaved before Juneteenth, this included cities such as New Orleans and plantations on both sides of the mighty Mississippi. Many people complained about Historic Latta not doing anything for Juneteenth. Then when I create a unique event to highlight our successful struggle out of slavery, there is backlash from many who have never visited our historical site. William T. Sherman had a dislike for the media of his day.
I understand what he may have been going through. I by no means will let this deter me and the vision of lifting the veil of ignorance. The event was canceled due to security concerns for volunteers and staff. The media’s corps of yellow journalist had a perfect opportunity to educate, however, they chose to whip the public into a frenzy, it worked. “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel. In regards to social media, Chief Justice John Roberts said “in our age, social media can instantly spread rumor and false information on a grand scale.”
It was not until after the social media frenzy that Latta received numerous emails and phone calls about the event. I also received a phone call from Vi Lyles, the mayor of Charlotte. As long as I have been at Historic Latta Plantation as a volunteer, then as a part-time employee, then as the education coordinator, then as the interpretive farm manager, then as site manager, I have never seen Vi Lyles, the Mayor of the great city of Charlotte visit our site or any other influential and prominent government officials. The same applies to NPR, WBTV, the Charlotte observer et al. This applies to some of those citizens in the community that have been offended. Your opinions and concerns
have been respectfully noted. However, after reading this, many of you will still be offended, some will be supportive, thank you.
In closing, my job will be to continue to educate. Historic Latta Plantation’s narrative will be to give a voice to our ancestors enslaved and as freedmen who were denied a voice. We will speak for them in a compassionate, accurate, and sensitive manner.
Ian Campbell
Site Manager
Historic Latta Plantation
Ian Campbell, Site Manager

Ian Campbell, Site Manager

Our Historic site will be closed on Sunday, June 13, 2021.
Closed Monday and Tuesday
I0am to 5pm
Sunday 1pm to 5pm/ Closed on Sunday, June 13, 2021.

Admission includes a guided house tour and a self-tour of the grounds and outbuildings.
Guided house tours are scheduled hourly starting at 10AM Wednesday-Saturday and starting at 1PM on Sunday. The last tour starts at 4PM.
During event weekends, there will be no guided house tours, we will have “open house.” The house will be closed from 12:30pm to 1:00pm on event weekends.
Visitors may purchase tickets at the Visitor Center.
Guided tours of the house and some outbuildings are offered through the Tarheel Tour (see below).
Historic Latta Plantation is closed on New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Historic Latta Plantation is closed on New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

One of the guys involved is indeed african american, which was in the original article I posted. Which means nothing. See Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, etc...

dumbfucks come in all colors. Clearly, looking at Juneteenth through the lens of now poor unemployed slave overseers is insane. That's like saying marking the end of the war with the Nazis we should look at this through the lens of the poor unemployed oven workers in the concentration camps.
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Jun 12, 2005
One of the guys involved is indeed african american, which was in the original article I posted. Which means nothing. See Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, etc...

dumbfucks come in all colors. Clearly, looking at Juneteenth through the lens of now poor unemployed slave overseers is insane. That's like saying marking the end of the war with the Nazis we should look at this through the lens of the poor unemployed oven workers in the concentration camps.

So being "site manager" is "just one of the guys involved".
Reading his statement in its entirety, it appears as though he just wants to tell the whole truth and not just one side of it ...

But of course he and Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, etc... are all just a Dumb**** Oreo's right.


Jan 14, 2013
So being "site manager" is "just one of the guys involved".
Reading his statement in its entirety, it appears as though he just wants to tell the whole truth and not just one side of it ...

But of course he and Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, etc... are all just a Dumb**** Oreo's right.
Why don't you look past race and judge this 'educational' position on its merits?

Good luck


Senior member
Nov 5, 2012
We get it - you love racial segregation of our past and would die if you didn't make a new thread about it every day.

One has to wonder how many of you commit suicide it we actually came together as humans instead of giving nonstop virtue signaling for your amazing work of talking about how black people are so different.

Oh wait, that's literally the definition of racism lol.
Why don't you?
What is wrong in telling the entire truth regardless of your tender sensibilities.
The truth is white people in the South during slavery were lazy. They didn't build shit.
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Jun 12, 2005
The truth is white people in the South during slavery were lazy. They didn't build shit.

It is obvious you have no clue, or have watched Gone With The Wind too many times.

Most white people in the south didn't own any slaves and were just hard working poor farmers and share croppers.


Oct 20, 2003
We get it - you love racial segregation of our past and would die if you didn't make a new thread about it every day.

One has to wonder how many of you commit suicide it we actually came together as humans instead of giving nonstop virtue signaling for your amazing work of talking about how black people are so different.

Oh wait, that's literally the definition of racism lol.

Dude ... is there seriously something wrong with you?

I'm starting to really wonder. :confused_old:


Jun 12, 2005
I don't know what you want me to say about that link. It doesn't have anything to do with my point as far as a glance tells me. I don't feel the need to read the entire Wiki to attempt to interpret your meaning.

Just say it in words.


Feb 6, 2002
We get it - you love racial segregation of our past and would die if you didn't make a new thread about it every day.

One has to wonder how many of you commit suicide it we actually came together as humans instead of giving nonstop virtue signaling for your amazing work of talking about how black people are so different.

Oh wait, that's literally the definition of racism lol.
We get it. You are fine with lying and whitewashing the past as long as it keeps whitey in the best possible light.

Lying is clearly your MO in life.
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