No Video


Junior Member
Apr 28, 2005
I built this computer no longer than 2 years ago. It was working fine, until one day, the computer gave an unknown (unknown, because I wasn't there and the person who was doesn't remember what it said) error, and then when the computer was shut down one time, it never started again.

I then RMA'd the motherboard, an A-BIT VT7, and when the new board, I put everything in place and gave it a run. The monitor signal did come up, but it the POST gave me an error "CPU has been or unworkable." I thought nothing of it, and pressed F1 to continue. Xp began to boot normally, and then half way through the boot up, the screen went black and the computer shut down. I tried turning it on, and, the computer seems to be running fine, the LEDs and the fans all start up, but no image comes up.

So at this point, I had no idea what the hell was going on, I though, what the hell, the video card is old, I might as well get a replacement, and that might solve the problem. I got a Radeon 9550, and put it in the computer, but still no anything. The monitor remains pitch black. I've tried resetting the CMOS. I've tried putting in the old video card. Nothing image won't come up.

At this point, I'm thinking bad RAM or bad processor, fried motherboard(really don't think so, but may be)?

Anyone who can help me, I highly appreciate it.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
You said the computer seems to be running fine. Do you know if it booted completely, or were you guessing? Do you have another power supply to check it with? Also, do you have access to a PCI video card? I have one myself just for these occasions. Do you get the solid beep as the computer boots or some other beeps? Just giving you a couple things to check as the motherboard might be the problem again.


Junior Member
Apr 28, 2005
Well, from what I've gathered, it is just a guess. I actually do, and will test it with it. Unfortunately, I don't have a PCI card, although with the amount of times I've had video problems, I should have one.

I do not have a speaker hooked up, so I'll try it with the speaker and see how many beeps I get and post up on it.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Yes, all that I posted was a guess. I was just trying to eliminate a power supply problem and a video card slot problem. Since you had 2 cards that didn't register, I would assume that both cards are probably OK. The PCI card helps in these cases. Also, you do not need to hook up speakers to hear the post beeps. It's built into the motherboard. If you didn't hear even one beep, it may point to the CPU or the motherboard. Try the power supply to eliminate that possibility.

Also, make sure the square 4-pin ATX connector is plugged into the motherboard.