Ninja Gaiden Sigma


May 30, 2006
Man, do video games get any harder??!?
I mean I probably suck at it, but Im totally getting my butt kicked here, what am I doing wrong? Its usually because some dude attacks me from behind while Im in the middle of a combo. Should I be more cautious and block a whole lot more while standing in corners or something?


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2006
I've only played the Xbox version, but that was also one of the hardest game's I've ever player. I'm sure Team Ninja used some of that extra processing power to increase the enemy AI as well.

I remember the first time I started playing and I got to the guys on horses, and it took me about 25 tries to beat it. I played through a couple months later and I got it my first try. I'm not sure if this part is in NGS, but from what I've heard NGS is Black + some new content.

Just keep playing and you'll start to get the hang of if.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2005
Originally posted by: BlameCanada
I've only played the Xbox version, but that was also one of the hardest game's I've ever player. I'm sure Team Ninja used some of that extra processing power to increase the enemy AI as well.

I remember the first time I started playing and I got to the guys on horses, and it took me about 25 tries to beat it. I played through a couple months later and I got it my first try. I'm not sure if this part is in NGS, but from what I've heard NGS is Black + some new content.

Just keep playing and you'll start to get the hang of if.

From what I've heard Sigma is no harder, and maybe even a bit easier than the original NG or Black.

Ninja Gaiden is definately one of the more difficult games I've ever played, but it is also an amazing game. You're definately going to want to persevere through the tough moments because it truly is a great game.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I'm not sure how I feel about games getting to hard. I love a challenge, and it feels so much more of an accomplishment when you get past the tough parts... but I can't help but feel that some games are made harder just to make them seem longer.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Ninja Gaiden: Black was harder. They did change a lot of the old tricks you could take advantage of in Ninja Gaiden Black, however they added a lot of easier aspects, the most obvious being more items, more save statues, and more Murasama statues.


Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Dumac
Ninja Gaiden: Black was harder. They did change a lot of the old tricks you could take advantage of in Ninja Gaiden Black, however they added a lot of easier aspects, the most obvious being more items, more save statues, and more Murasama statues.

The devs probably didn't want people getting pissed and breaking their expensive consoles. :p


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Tip for ninja gaiden... start moving around using the jump and roll movement. Jump then right before hitting the ground press block and repeat.

This allows you to be quicker and less open to attacks plus it can transition to flying swallow. Always use heavy weapons for big enemies when possible.