Nforce 2 Decisions


Senior member
Jul 12, 2002
Hey guys, I bought my first Nforce 2 board under the Leadtek brand name, the K7NCR18D-Pro. Its served me well. Now i have to pick a new mobo for a new computer. Once again I turn to Nforce but with many more choices than what was available at Nforce2 Launch.

I was wondering if anyone has tried out the CHAINTECH 7NIF2-SUMMIT NFORCE2/IGP Mobo. (how was their experiance with it)
Im going to be using it with 256Mb of DDR pc2700 and an Athlon XP 2400+(that one I won at the last AMD event is still sitting around)
Also, since there will only be 256DDR ram should I use the IGP or a GeForce 4 PCI card that I picked up, i think its like 440 or something. Which do you think will be faster. (Trying to save money right now so a new AGP vid card is kinda out of the question).
If you know of any other outstanding performing IGP Nforce 2 mobo's please let me know.

Thankyou for your time

>new< What is the best IGP mobo for Nforce?


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
You will really want another stick of memory if you're using the IGP, otherwise peformance will suffer. The onboard GF4MX and the PCI GF4MX will be about the same peformance, so i'd get another stick of 256mb DDR and use onboard :)

Not used any of the cards you listed, but i'm sitting happy on my 8RDA+ :);)



Senior member
Jul 12, 2002
Thanks guys, Im thinking that i might put in two sticks of 2100 in there, and keep the 2700 for my computer which has a 2100+. Money is so tight these days...sigh.