Don't know if this is hot or not. For those who may have seen ad admired next generation technology from Japan not generally available in the usa. Pricey via 3rd parties as y or ebay (search "lets note") you may wish to check out
This is the Japan version of pricewatch and you can use to translate. for example the panasonic "lets note".
a 2.85 lb centrino with built in cd burner/dvd, and other goodies will run about 1800 usd. Tack on 40-50 s/h and their 5% service fee and you still come out way ahead as it costs 2700 via middlemen and the warranty is still via Japan. Guess the odds of this breaking during year one are small. This particular model got a glowing review in a European magazine.
Interesting information, but this woud be better in our Small Form Factor, Notebooks & other Pre-Built/Barebones PCs forum.
Thanks for understanding,
AnandTech Moderator
This is the Japan version of pricewatch and you can use to translate. for example the panasonic "lets note".
a 2.85 lb centrino with built in cd burner/dvd, and other goodies will run about 1800 usd. Tack on 40-50 s/h and their 5% service fee and you still come out way ahead as it costs 2700 via middlemen and the warranty is still via Japan. Guess the odds of this breaking during year one are small. This particular model got a glowing review in a European magazine.
Interesting information, but this woud be better in our Small Form Factor, Notebooks & other Pre-Built/Barebones PCs forum.
Thanks for understanding,
AnandTech Moderator