they're probably not gonna answer this one, they don't even care that much, it's soon becoming screw-egg, or not?
you know what they're gonna do, is barely check the board, not even test it. they're just gonna stick it in the refurb department or the overstock section, or used crap section, etc. then they're gonna resell it or send it back to the company who made/sells the mobo to screw-egg.
ok, here's your options, they're just gonna send you a refurb one from a company as a replacement, or you may receive a whole new box if the mobo was a completely new set. secondly, like a lot of retailer stores, they're not even gonna take it back or possible charge you extra if all the stuff in the box isn't there, CD's and booklets and coupons 'n stuff. thus, you have little option, put all the crap into the box and RMA it in a package. 'cuz if you just send the box without covering, duh, someone's gonna steal it. alright, make sure the company knows you're sendin' this trash back, or you do everything they tell you to do, 'cuz it's so f'n stupid when companies say "send it in" and you never get anything back. OMG - screw-egg offering a section for trash components for resell, wut the hay~