newb networking question


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2002
right now my internet connection goes into my router, which is wired to various points in our house, one of which being 'A'. all 4 ports are used. now we need to put one more computer in basement, right below 'A'. is it possible to split the internet connection from A? We have an extra 4 port hub... how do i do this?

also, the reason we're doing this is that the basement is being rented. what security measures should i take? i dont want them being able to see our lan/use our printer/etc etc.



Platinum Member
Nov 20, 1999
They will be on your network. Unless you want to segment with another router (hardware, linux box etc..). If you don't want to do that then you'll just need to setup windows permissions and shares adequately. If your running 98 machines I'd consider removing file and printer sharing if your really worried about them getting into your stuff. As long as your on 2000 or XP then you can lock it down fairly tight with NTFS permissions.


Golden Member
May 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Crappopotamus
right now my internet connection goes into my router, which is wired to various points in our house, one of which being 'A'. all 4 ports are used. now we need to put one more computer in basement, right below 'A'. is it possible to split the internet connection from A? We have an extra 4 port hub... how do i do this?

also, the reason we're doing this is that the basement is being rented. what security measures should i take? i dont want them being able to see our lan/use our printer/etc etc.


If you don't want them to use your LAN (but still allow them to use the internet) I'd suggest picking up another router and putting them on a seperate subnet. You could set it up this way:

4 port router
/ | | \
/ | | \
1 2 3 4

Put computers on 1 & 2, your 4 port hub on 3, and a 2nd router on 4. Then hook up your other two computers to the hub, and all of the downstairs computers to the 2nd router.