new search for primes


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2002

I am running a new distributed computing search at:
for new prime numbers to make it at Chris Caldwell's top 5000 list.
I would like all of you that have Athlon processors to please join. The program runs fastest on the Athlon processor as opposed to the Pentium 4, as it is not SSE2 optimized.
A lot of you may all ready be participants of Seti@home, or Prime 95 distributed computing projects. Seti@home is a good project, but will it ever find any signals? I would like all of you with Athlons to please join, as my project will work. It has already worked. It has mathematical theory behind it, so unlike Seti@home, we will have results right away. We are getting ready to find a number in the top 400 primes, and the next prime we will find will be in the top 80. The math theory is behind us, and we can take advantage of the power of Athlon processor to find record prime numbers. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to:
so you can start right away, and tell anybody else who has an AMD Athlon to please join also. And you will see, this distributed computing project will produce results, otherwise you are free to leave at anytime.

William Garnett