New rig stopped working


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2004
Basically I was testing OC performance today of my new i7 920 (3.9g @ 1.41v), 2x evga gtx 260 (650/1500/1150 stable), 6gig ocz, 500g 7200rpm wd... Everything was more or less fine, the evga boards were not OCing right, whenever I would use EVGA Precision or Rivatuner, it would work fine for awhile then the clocks would just jump to idle speeds while playing a game and couldn't raise them without resetting the system. So I went to reset the system again because the clocks were messed up and in Vista I clicked the lock icon near the reset one, then the screen turned black and sat there for 10 seconds, I then went to hit the reset button. Now the system turns on and everything looks functional, just nothing on the screen pops up to be displayed, display works fine as I tested it with another computer, so I dont know what happened? Its possible both gpus died but I dont see how that is possible after owning for a day and OC to reasonable speeds without touching voltages.

Anyone know how to fix?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jan 31, 2000
Reset your bios first. If this doesn't fix it, then try one video card at a time to see if you get display. The odds of both cards dying together are extremely slim.


Diamond Member
Jul 29, 2004
Originally posted by: daveybrat
Reset your bios first. If this doesn't fix it, then try one video card at a time to see if you get display. The odds of both cards dying together are extremely slim.

Cant, nothing appears on the monitor at all, the monitor acts as if its not receiving data, but it works fine with other devices.


Diamond Member
May 11, 2000
Originally posted by: Soccerman06
Originally posted by: daveybrat
Reset your bios first. If this doesn't fix it, then try one video card at a time to see if you get display. The odds of both cards dying together are extremely slim.

Cant, nothing appears on the monitor at all, the monitor acts as if its not receiving data, but it works fine with other devices.

Mmm... you don't need a video signal to reset the BIOS.
Look in your MB manual under CLEAR CMOS.