New low-end build


Senior member
Jul 5, 2003
Previous building experience....
- Two 2.8C systems for gaming & video editing a few years back.
- Two 2400 Athlon systems a year ago for general internet/word usage last year.

Well, I've been a bit out of the hardware side of things over the past year and now I've been commissioned to build two low-end systems (similiar to the 2nd group mentioned above), and would like some advice on what out there is the right direction to go.

There will be zero gaming on this, so going with integrated video/sound on the mobo. While 512 megs of ram would probably be good, might as well just go with a gig. PSU probably going to do something like an Antec 350. So really the only suggestions I'm looking for is....
- Processor - Would go with an Athlon XP, but since it is only Sempron & 64-bit, not sure which direction to go. While I've been out of it the last year, I don't think too much has changed between Intel & AMD to switch up and go with an Intel based system, right? So.... Sempron or low-end 64?
- Mobo - Here's the biggest question mark on my end and I guess goes alongside the processor question. Previously, I'd always built with with the integrated video Gigabyte 333 variety and had really good luck with them thus far, so given my requirements above (video) and also I'd like a couple SATAs ports, recommendations?
- DVD-Burner - Should be an easy one, what's the best bang for your buck deal out there now? Previously I'd always gone with Lite-On's.

Thanks =)


Senior member
Dec 5, 2005
That looks fine, and is pretty much what I'm building next week except I'm going with a VIA K8M800 motherboard (has an AGP slot instead of PCI Express) so I can use my old Radeon 9600 card.