You mean the guy that left his wife when she was in a suicidal depression and later joked about getting an annulment?
Yeah, what a big heart!
"Joseph Curl wrote for the Washington Times back in April of this year, "The couple had two daughters, Alexandra in 1973 and Vanessa in 1976, but all was not bliss in the Kerry mansions. They separated in 1982, with Thorne in the depths of a severe depression and on the brink of suicide, which she blamed on her husband's cold and distant nature, his long absences, and his fierce ambition (which she was bankrolling). The separation came as Kerry was mulling a bid to run for the Senate seat vacated by Paul Tsongas in 1984. Thorne said she still associates politics "only with anger, fear, and loneliness." In 1988, the final divorce went through?she later called her relationship with Kerry a "suffocating marriage."
After leaving his wife in the midst of suicidal depression, Kerry later wished to marry Teresa Heinz and sought an annulment, which he ultimately obtained. In 1997 Kerry publicly joked about the issue of annulment on a radio talk show saying that 75 percent of all annulments in the world take place in the U.S., but he guessed, "That number would drop to 50 percent if you take out all of the Massachusetts politicians.""