New Gaming System Built


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
I just built a SLI gaming box and wonder is it a good idea to test stress this new box before gaming?

The only apps I am aware of at this time for the task are Prime95 and Memtest86

What's the verdict?



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Did you overclock it?

If you didn't overclock and you have a decent PSU and decent venitlation, there's really no need... although it's a good idea to put some stress on it in the first 30 days just to make sure you don't have to RMA something.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
No I'm not going to overclock, but of course when doing a OC, yes I can see the need for this, but even without doing a OC on hardware, running tests help to make sure you don't have bad hardware as well, so I'm just trying to get a feel for what most are saying and doing on the latter part of this, just for hardware testing, stability, etc..


Swedish Avenger

Junior Member
Jan 31, 2006
won't hurt to heat up the fresh thermal compound on the cpu I guess.

I had a friend who just found out his X1800XT was slower than it should have been and wouldn't overclock, so if you have payed alot for your hardware you should definitely make sure it's all working perfectly


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Is it ok to use the computer and do other things while running these tests with memtest and prime?



Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2003
Playing games for a few hours will be as good of a stress test as any.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to run 3DMARK05 just to ensure your system is performing as it should.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Well I ran Prime95 for 8 hours and all passed:

[Thu Feb 02 04:49:15 2006]
Self-test 1024K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 05:05:25 2006]
Self-test 8K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 05:24:16 2006]
Self-test 10K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 05:41:34 2006]
Self-test 896K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 05:58:14 2006]
Self-test 768K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 06:17:03 2006]
Self-test 12K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 06:35:48 2006]
Self-test 14K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 06:52:16 2006]
Self-test 640K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 07:10:45 2006]
Self-test 512K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 07:29:06 2006]
Self-test 16K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 07:47:47 2006]
Self-test 20K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 08:03:45 2006]
Self-test 448K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 08:19:28 2006]
Self-test 384K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 08:37:09 2006]
Self-test 24K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 08:55:34 2006]
Self-test 28K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 09:11:03 2006]
Self-test 320K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 09:29:25 2006]
Self-test 256K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 09:47:32 2006]
Self-test 32K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 10:02:33 2006]
Self-test 40K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 10:20:55 2006]
Self-test 224K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 10:38:43 2006]
Self-test 192K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 10:54:10 2006]
Self-test 48K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 11:09:48 2006]
Self-test 56K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 11:27:52 2006]
Self-test 160K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 11:43:05 2006]
Self-test 128K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 11:58:47 2006]
Self-test 64K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 12:14:24 2006]
Self-test 80K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 12:30:07 2006]
Self-test 112K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 12:45:30 2006]
Self-test 96K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 13:01:51 2006]
Self-test 1280K passed!
[Thu Feb 02 13:18:23 2006]
Self-test 1536K passed!

I've used 3DMARK in the past, is it pretty easy to use still?


P.S. Should I run a test now with Memtest86, or is Prime95 good enough?


Senior member
Sep 27, 2005
If you consider pressing one button simple then yes.
With the free version there is only one button to press really.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Rommels
If you consider pressing one button simple then yes.
With the free version there is only one button to press really.

LMAO, ahhhhh I think I can handle that. ;)

By the way is the free version good enough?



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Thanks, brb after I've run some tests to see how this baby smokes em, hehe ;)


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Ok here is the first test I ran:

Main Test Results
3DMark Score 10476 3DMarks
CPU Score 5506 CPUMarks

Detailed Test Results

Game Tests
GT1 - Return To Proxycon 38.0 fps
GT2 - Firefly Forest 29.9 fps
GT3 - Canyon Flight 64.6 fps

CPU Tests
CPU Test 1 2.4 fps
CPU Test 2 5.6 fps

Feature Tests
Fill Rate - Single-Texturing N/A
Fill Rate - Multi-Texturing N/A
Pixel Shader N/A
Vertex Shader - Simple N/A
Vertex Shader - Complex N/A

Batch Size Tests
8 Triangles N/A
32 Triangles N/A
128 Triangles N/A
512 Triangles N/A
2048 Triangles N/A
32768 Triangles N/A

How does this look?



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Ike0069
Assuming that 3DMark05, that's very good!

What do you mean assuming that?

Is there anything better between 05 or 06? And is there any point to buying a version if it will help me improve performance?

I don't mind buying one if it will help me, show me how to get the best performance possible. I mean I have like a $2000 SLI box and that's just the PC price, so I want to get the best out of it possible and this is with out overclocking too.



Golden Member
Oct 6, 2005
You should be ok but I would say just run memtest and 3dmark and prime 95 over night or when your not using the comp. FYI for the future SLI is not worth the money as compared to the performance.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
SLI is not worth the money as compared to the performance. What's that suppose to mean?



Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2003
Originally posted by: DasFox
Originally posted by: Ike0069
Assuming that 3DMark05, that's very good!

What do you mean assuming that?

Is there anything better between 05 or 06? And is there any point to buying a version if it will help me improve performance?

I don't mind buying one if it will help me, show me how to get the best performance possible. I mean I have like a $2000 SLI box and that's just the PC price, so I want to get the best out of it possible and this is with out overclocking too.


I only meant that you didn't say which version you were running. If it had been 03, then that score would be very low. Each version test different and the score from one version does not correlate to a different vesion. They must be analyzed seperately.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: DasFox
SLI is not worth the money as compared to the performance. What's that suppose to mean?


For one thing, it means this thread is utterly pointless.

You want to know if you should stress-test your machine? Well, do it if you want. Do it if you're worried there is a problem with it. You want to know how your results look? Your results look fine. They look like your computer didn't crash, so I guess you're doing OK. That's all you really wanted, right? To see if your computer was working?

I understand that you just dropped enough on a computer to make a healthy down payment on a car and you need some validation. Most of us have done that, but you don't need to act like you're actually confused about the finer points between 3DMark 2005 and 2006 as though this has some kind of bearing on seeing whether or not your machine is broken.

Make a thread called "Hey check out my badass new rig!" People like that kind of thing just fine. You can show us some actual game benchmarks in different resolutions and stuff. It's just a little strange you trying to squeeze in your verbose test results in this thread as you tell us how much your system cost.



Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Damm Tostada what's your problem man? I'm not spewing over anything about my rig or trying to rub anything in or brag about anything. All I did was make a post to ask some questions and just try and learn something was all and in all of that just asking and learning I don't quite understand where you started going off, but any how relax and chill out. BOY you SURE made me feel great, NOT! :(

Sheesh so much for just asking some questions and trying to learn something, when did this by the way become a problem around here?

Like my SIG says and I don't have a attitude, because I don't know everything and that is why I was here, to ask and learn.


Dec 18, 2005
Hey Tostada,

Leave DasFox alone. He's a sweet guy, I've read his posts and he's always been a great guy...

Being a member for this community for 7 years I thought you would have learned that even the vets need help too.'

Das, whatever just let it go..


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Broly
Hey Tostada,

Leave DasFox alone. He's a sweet guy, I've read his posts and he's always been a great guy...

Being a member for this community for 7 years I thought you would have learned that even the vets need help too.'

Das, whatever just let it go..

holy crap this coming from broly?... did you find jesus? the mods really made you a changed man! lol.
i'm all for it. these boards could use a little more civility. With a thread title of "new gaming rig built" what did tostada expect?
Your PC is fine Das, stress testing is probably a good idea for any new rig, OCing or nnot, to ensure that your system can run full tilt and not have any problems. Plus if you need to RMA you better find out ASAP.


Dec 18, 2005
I think you should go and get a new one Das,

That seems like a problem you don't want to try to fix if it's showing up after all the successfull diagnostics

Somethings are harder to detect, even for newer drives.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2003
Ok I'll send it back to ZipZoomFly

Actually I just spoke to ZipZoomFly they said they'll RMA another drive back once they test this one to make sure there are problems.

Now I'm worried about this, because I see other people all over the Web have had these same issues and have just been attributed to what seems like bugs.

For instance I have all my IDE and SATA controllers enabled in the BIOS with the nForce drivers installed and I get this Event ID 51 warning:

An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk0\D during a paging operation.

Now I disable the Controllers I'm not using or uninstall the nForce IDE driver and I get no more warning message, so what's with that?

Lastly the only thing I'm not sure on is all these CHKDSK cleanups EVERY single time I run it, like:

Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
Cleaning up 21 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 21 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 21 unused security descriptors.

Now personally I have never seen them everytime you run a check and this is the first time for me to see them all the time, still I have read that seeing them all the time is not considered a hard drive error.