Recently I decided to put up a linux server from spare parts lying around the house.
KT7A-Raid, Athlon thunderbird 1.0 gHz, 512 megs sdram, 20 gig Maxtor hdd, floppy drive, hp cd burner 8200 series, ELSA Winner 3000-L PCI video card, and some generic nic card. Video card is in pci 1, nic in pci 6. 300 watt ps.
Computer refuses to post, gives a blank screen.
What are some generic things to check? I checked to make sure that everything was plugged in correctly, but have had no luck.
Just some of my ideas:
Maybe the PS of 300 watts is not enough. It's a Wintech Electronics Corp one. I tested by unplugging everything but motherboard (no cdrom, hdd, or floppy), and found that it still won't post. Any ideas on if you think this is enough power?
The cpu could be f*cked. It was once overclocked, and had quite abit of artic silver on it that needed scrubbing. I think a potential problem is that it is burned out, perhaps by bridging too many of those circuts on the top of the cpu. Artic silver was not properly applied and got everywhere. I cleaned with rubbing alcohol and nail polish, and scrubbed till silver taint was almost gone (I can't get it up anymore). I also undid the connections between the L1 bridges (I think it was done with a conductor pen, I just scrubbed with alcohol and a q-tip till it was gone). Anyone in Downtown San Jose got a spare socket a ?
Motherboard could be fried. Any surefire way to check this?
Please feel free to post questions and such, this server needs to go up very soon and I'm reaching a point at which I cannot deal with it anymore because of the threatening start of school in August. I also have a small budget, due to buying the case and other parts recently to get the box together, so I'm pressed for cash for things. For example, I can't just buy a new cpu to test it, and then find it was the motherboard, and then get a new motherboard. I'd be out of spare cash for this project by then.
If anyone has spare parts I'd be willing to talk about purchasing them for used prices, so help a fellow out.
KT7A-Raid, Athlon thunderbird 1.0 gHz, 512 megs sdram, 20 gig Maxtor hdd, floppy drive, hp cd burner 8200 series, ELSA Winner 3000-L PCI video card, and some generic nic card. Video card is in pci 1, nic in pci 6. 300 watt ps.
Computer refuses to post, gives a blank screen.
What are some generic things to check? I checked to make sure that everything was plugged in correctly, but have had no luck.
Just some of my ideas:
Maybe the PS of 300 watts is not enough. It's a Wintech Electronics Corp one. I tested by unplugging everything but motherboard (no cdrom, hdd, or floppy), and found that it still won't post. Any ideas on if you think this is enough power?
The cpu could be f*cked. It was once overclocked, and had quite abit of artic silver on it that needed scrubbing. I think a potential problem is that it is burned out, perhaps by bridging too many of those circuts on the top of the cpu. Artic silver was not properly applied and got everywhere. I cleaned with rubbing alcohol and nail polish, and scrubbed till silver taint was almost gone (I can't get it up anymore). I also undid the connections between the L1 bridges (I think it was done with a conductor pen, I just scrubbed with alcohol and a q-tip till it was gone). Anyone in Downtown San Jose got a spare socket a ?
Motherboard could be fried. Any surefire way to check this?
Please feel free to post questions and such, this server needs to go up very soon and I'm reaching a point at which I cannot deal with it anymore because of the threatening start of school in August. I also have a small budget, due to buying the case and other parts recently to get the box together, so I'm pressed for cash for things. For example, I can't just buy a new cpu to test it, and then find it was the motherboard, and then get a new motherboard. I'd be out of spare cash for this project by then.
If anyone has spare parts I'd be willing to talk about purchasing them for used prices, so help a fellow out.