- Apr 12, 2004
- 3,478
- 1
- 76
So, 1.4K soldiers at the same time running on a hill?Crowd The rendering of large crowd sequences using Artifical Intelligence (AI) software is a technique that has been used very effectively in a number of recent movies and is starting to appear in games. This demonstration shows the vertex shader processing power of the X800 being used to render a large crowd of soldiers (1400 in total) running across a rocky terrain. All of the models feature weighted skinned vertices and are independently animated. The behavior of the crowd is simulated using AI.implant www.ai-implant.com Additional techniques used in this demo are ambient occlusion (used for shadowing) and of fluid simulation on the GPU (for the smoke).
If they had Geometry Instancing technologie implemented in their X800 series this demo would have run 1400 times faster :laugh:
Download it here, if you have X800 Pro of course
P.S: hope this is not a repost