Networking prob - fix is probably simple for a guru, but I can't figure it out.


Senior member
Oct 10, 2002
I just activated a high-speed cable account the other day and for the most part, it works ok. I've got two computers running Win 2k connected to a D-link DI-604 router. My cable modem is the Toshiba PCX-2200. My provider requires a dynamic IP setup.

The problem is, if I turn one of my computers off for more than a few minutes at a time, it can't find the network connection when it boots back up. I've found that unplugging the modem and the router for a minute fixes the problem, but I don't want to have to do that every time I turn my computer off.

Does anyone know of any settings in the computer, modem, or router I could adjust that would fix this problem? Would it be a matter of updating the modem or router firmware? Is this a common problem?


I do seem to have a problem with downloading speeds dropping off. PCPitStop shows my download connection as between 2000 - 6000(!) Kb/s (I ran the test several times) but when I transfer files with Kazaa(lite), my downloads only average between <1-10 Kb/s. They start faster - around 20-30, but quickly fall off. The occasional download stays at a high speed, but most do not. Some downloads from other sources are VERY fast - particularly from Microsoft's website. Pages load very fast. I'm pretty new to all of this so can someone tell me if persistently low download speeds are common for P2P file-sharing? If this is uncommon, what can I do?

I tried running the PC PitStop Internet Autofix which changes the receive buffer size, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference.

Thank you!


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
I have a problem. I may be know something but I am no Guru.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
These dont sound like guruish problems...

My suggestions for the router (probably not as good as what JackMDS would suggest ;)) is to make sure you have the latest firmware, and if you do turn off the DHCP server. You will still get a DHCP lease from your isp at the router, but with only 2 machines behind the router, DHCP is just an unnecessary hassle, in my opinion of course.

As far as slow speeds on Kazaa, its not a surprise. You are not getting your data from a big server somewhere close to you. You are getting your data from individual users out there on the net. Most of them probably do not have more upload than 15kB. If your speeds are fine downloading from real servers, your connection is fine.