For those of you who missed out on the deal, has the same deal, $89.95 minus $30 MIR. Only thing is people in CA will have to pay taxes.
Let me make sure I've got this straight... those 4 10/100 ports are switched and not routed?
How would this stack up against that Linksys Wireless AP + 4 port 10/100 router? (Sorry i cant remember the model, but I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about)
It's not a PMOTD so it's eligible for free shipping, but this deal still ends up about the same (+/- a buck or two, maybe more with tax) as the PMOTD a week or two ago. Looks like Netgear just recently dropped the price on this to about $90, and the rebate's just helping the clearing out.
I have both the MR314 and the Linksys 4-port wireless at home. I get a slightly better range from the Linksys because I added external antennas, which is something you cannot do on the MR314. But the MR314 works perfectly for the main level of my house, and I get a strong signal down to my basement.
the description says that you can use wired/wireless devices, so I can buy three wireless adapters for laptops and use a direct CAT5 connection from the router to a PC that will be literally next to the router (for Cable internet sharing)?
Yes, I have two PC's connected to my MR314 via Cat5 (there are 4 wired-ports in the back) using regular NIC's and also a laptop using a wireless PCMCIA card, all sharing my DSL line (and of course sharing files).
I have two hardwired devices hooked up and a desktop wireless on the 2nd floor (router in basement) - Signal strength is always great. Couldn't be more satisfied!!
be forwarned. the recent issue of pc magazine states that the performance sucks hard on that router. only like 2.5 Mbps compared to like 8 for the linksys. Dont know the exact stats but it was enough to turn me off. It chokes.
This is a great deal on a quality router. I tried the latest D-Link wireless Air+ setup and it was not useable at the other end of my house. The Netgear 314 and wireless PCMCIA card are useable anywhere in the house with good signal strentgh.
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