Need some OC advice, its been a long time


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2008
Its been a few years since I overclocked a pc. So lets just say im out of the loop. I just pieced together a new rig and would like to wring a little more out of it if possible but not sure where to begin. Ive noticed there are more things to "tinker" with than before. Ive done a lot of reading since buidling it and now Im not sure where to begin. So I figured I would ask the guys in the know instead of fumbling through it blind. so heres what I have. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

E6850 CPU
Abit IN9 32X-max WIFI board, (latest bios installed)
Asus arctic square cooler, I have a fan on the chipset.
8GB OCZ 800mhz SLI ram, (4x2gb)
3 SATA II drives,
Dual EVGA 8800GT 512 mb superclocked vid cards. one is installed the other hasnt arrived yet. (tomorrow hopefully)
OCZ gamer xtreme 850W PSU. all in an Antec 900 case.

yeah I know the ram size is a bit over the top. but that was before I knew XP pro x32 had a limit on the ram it can use. Im planning on going to vista x64 soon which Im told can use the ram I have. even if its overkill.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Recommend you follow the guidelines in graysky's overclocking sticky at the top of this forum. It is pretty informative.

Post your questions in that thread and you'll be more likely to catch the attention of the overclockers in here versus taking your chances of having your own thread plunge off the the first screen in a day or two.


Jan 1, 2005
You seem to have a killer rig and it should run any game just fine.
Once you get the second card see if your processor seems to be the bottleneck, than overclock that and see if you get results that warrant the overclock.

Otherwise leave your rig at stock and go get a monster monitor. :)

I am a noob at overclocking so I won't help you there.


Aug 26, 2007
my bad. double post. forum seems to be going a bit slow and hit the button twice cause didn't think it went through.


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2008
yes I did just buy it. well about 3 weeks ago anyway. nevertheless I have what I have now. so Im going to have to work with it for the time being.