Need software suggestions for live web conference.


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2003
My wife has never missed Christmas with her family in Iowa but this year we cannot make it there so I wanted to earn some bonus points by setting up a live video connection via web cam or camcorder. Her dad always does the night before Christmas and I wanted to have it so they can see each other live. I know this is possible just not sure how to do it?

This is a dup post from the Technical support forum, It was suggested to post here for better suggestions. So again if anyone has a good idea what to use I would really appreciate the help!


Senior member
Sep 20, 2005
Yeah, iv got relatives in Germany we use MSN Messenger with Logitech Quickcams. That seems to be the easiest way to do it. If you have a video capture device on your pc (eg. Composite Input) you could use a camcorder and set messenger to stream from that source.

I havent used these other apps, but i believe you can also use:

AIM (aol instant messenger)
Yahoo Messenger
Windows Netmeeting (this software is very old now, and its harder to setup. I wouldnt reccoment using it)
and many more....