Need Quiet CPU Fan (Soyo K7VME)....


Oct 4, 2004

I have a fan issue with my K7VME kit. I got a Ultra fan with my kit, and it is very very very loud. I don't know how loud in dB, as the website doesn't state, but it is so loud I have to put a pillow over my computer! It is insane.

Anyways, I was just wondering how loud the Thermaltake TR M2 is, and if it is bearable or not. Most fans are 80mm and won't fit, but they all have lower RPM, and lower dB. These 60mm fans that fit in the Soyo cases have really high RPM's and higher dB. How does the Thermaltake and the Masscool fan that are both 60mm compare with each other? And does anybody know if they are quiet enough?

Also, the Thermaltake fan has a variable RPM speed. How would you change the speed with a K7VME board? Because I know I can't use SpeedFan or anything to change the speed with my Ultra fan. Will it always run at max RPM? Is it too loud then, and should I get the Masscool?

I really want a quiet fan, and I would get an 80mm, but the clearance is just too small for that kind of a heatsink/fan combo. If anybody has experience with getting a really quiet fan in a K7VME Kit case, an 80mm or any other quieter fan then please please let me know!!

Thanks ALOT for any replies! The noise has been driving me insane for months now.

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