Need PROOF READING help on short 5paragraph essay about the book Huckleberry Finn. PLZ HELP!


Senior member
Sep 1, 2000
I got an honor class for english this year which is hell and the teacher made me read the book Huckleberry Finn in 11days! I went fast so don't know if i got all the facts straight.

She made us write a 5 paragraph essay on this question:

Compare Huck and Tom. One of them goes from child to a young man. Under what circumstances did this happen. Be specific.

OK thats not the exact question but i dont have the paper and forgot. I think that third senctence is worded diffrently but i remember the word circumstances in there :(

Anyways this is my essay and plz help me using better words and better ways of writing sentences down and if you read the book tell me if i did somethign wrong. Also if u read the book do you know any better titles? She said my title best be good :eek:

I'm a kid here whos trying to learn and HELP from you pros would be GREATLY APPRICIATED.

<B>edit!!</B> did some changes

In the novel ?The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? two young boys, Huck and Tom are very good and troublesome friends. Huck and Tom are from the south and love adventures. Huck seems to prefer to live life in an uncivilized fashion and Tom want?s to be a leader and have many adventures. Even though they both are immature children in the beginning one of the boys has changed by the end of the novel. Huck will grow from a child to a young man, from his experiences with a runaway slave named Jim and his encounters with the southern people.

In the beginning of the novel Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer have a lot of money they found on a previous novel: ?The adventures of Tom Sawyer?. Women, instead of their parents have raised both boys. Willow Douglas and Miss Watson are raising Huck because he has no mother and his father is a drunk. Tom?s Aunt Polly, who isn?t mentioned until the end of the novel, raises him. They loved being away from home and going on adventures and were even in a gang together that Tom was the leader of named ?Tom Sawyer?s Gang?. As you can see Huck and Tom act like the children they are but Huck will drift apart from being a child.

Huck?s adventures begin when Huck's father came back and kidnapped him. Huck experienced bad times with his father and manages to escape to Jackson?s island where he found the familiar runaway slave Jim. Huck spent a lot of time with Jim and he even apologized to the slave after insulting him once. Later on Huck and Jim found the Duke and Dauphin which seemed like nice people but show themselves to be bad when they separate a slave family of Wilks household and later sell Jim. They showed Huck how deceitful could be good and bad. Huck also observed how irrational the South really was with his experiences with the conflicts between the Grageford?s and the Phelp?s, and between Sheburn and the town people. This made Huckleberry wiser and smarter which played a big role on him growing up.

Huck went from boy to a young man when he wrote a letter to Miss Watson giving him up but then tore it up saying ?All right then, I?ll go to hell?. He was going to steal Jim out of slavery instead, which showed a man in him. He could have just sent that letter and save himself the trouble but decided to help his black friend, Jim. That was the turning point in Huck?s life. In the ending chapters Huck and Tom reunited and helped Jim escape.

In the end Huck's adventures brought out what Tom always wanted to be. Tom was still a child and showed it when he was glad he got shot in the leg after running away with Jim and Huck because he had a bullet as a souvenir. Huck surprised all of us when he thought that Jim is ?white inside? which wasn?t the way southern white?s thought of blacks in those days. In conclusion Huck grows up after his experiences with the southern people and his journey with Jim on the Mississippi River. In the end even though Huck matured some he is still a young man and decides to take a trip out to Indian Territory since Aunt Sally is already trying to ?sivilize? him and he?s had enough of that.

THANKS!!!!!!!!!! all i need is a good title now :eek:



Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
You GOTTA be kidding...
OK... 1st para &quot;Their&quot; - you mean &quot;They're&quot;?
&quot;prefer to live life uncivilized&quot; - Perhaps &quot;in an uncivilized fashion?&quot;
&quot;to a young man&quot; add semicolon (;)
Southern may be a proper name in this instance.

Second para &quot;previous novel&quot; add Colon (and two spaces)
&quot;His Aunt Polly&quot; add comma
&quot;drift apart from being a child&quot; (period)

That's all for now...



Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
para 3
but show themselves to be truly bad - that's a little akward.
how cruelly the south really was - uh, let's try &quot;How cruel&quot; and &quot;South&quot;

para 4
What you just read made Huckleberry .... substitue &quot;This&quot; for What you just read.

That's all for me?!



Oct 9, 1999

<< Huck and Tom are very good friends and their rich >>

Huck and Tom are two very good, very rich friends.

<< Huck and Tom are very good friends and their rich. Huck and his companion Tom >>

-Department of redudancy department

<< Even though they are very much alike in the beginning one of the boy changed by the end of the novel. >>

Even though they are very similar in the beginning of the novel, one of the boys has changed by the end.

No comma: &quot;Jim, and his...&quot;


Platinum Member
Feb 16, 2000

decides to take a trip out to Indian Territory since Aunt Sally is already trying to ?sivilize? him and he?s had enough of that.' &quot;sivilize&quot; is civilize.... Man you guys have easy essays :p


Senior member
Jul 19, 2000
First of all, you need a lot of grammatical help... use the grammer check on word.... i would elborate more on the comparison between huck and tom.... as i recall, tom is more of the child who wants to be a leader and civilized (unlike what you said)..... in the beginning he makes a gang and tells huck to shape up or he wont be allowed in.... the feud between the families arent really showing the cruelty of the south.... i would say the whole trip shows the irrationality of the south... the duke and the dauphin show how deceit can be good and bad.... IMHO i think that huck and tom were different from the beginning but huck's adventures brought out what tom always wanted to be... otherwise, this essay isnt that bad at all... btw what grade in high school are u in?


Platinum Member
Feb 16, 2000
Huck and Tom are two very good, very rich friends.

I disagree Konichiwa... I think that their should be more variety in the description department of his essay, using &quot;very&quot; that close together looks unprofessional.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Darn.... wish I'd had this kind of resource available when I went to school...


Oct 9, 1999

<< What grade is this? 6th grade? Good golly I hope you know that you are a stupid fsck. >>

What the fsck is YOUR problem? This guy is asking honestly for some help because he knows he needs it. We don't need any of this sh!t. Go play somewhere else you little prick.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Now guys... I get nailed all the time for my biting sarcasm.
He's had enough. He gets the message.

One question is legitimate though... What grade level IS THIS anyway?


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999

Why don't you come next term and take my class? I have never failed anyone but suddenly I feel the urge to give an F to a pathetic loser.


Please excuse me for not proofreading your essay. I believe that this would be unfair to other students in your class and that you have to learn to write by yourself. School is more about learning than grades. Moreover, some authors in the journal Science called me a ruthless reviewer and that hurt my feelings. ;)

Billy Boy (Buddy Covelle)


Senior member
Sep 1, 2000
9th grade guys

My 8th grade teacher didn't teach me anything and i passed with an easy A because she only gave us vocabulary we had to memorize for quizes isn't that simple? Anyways i'm trying to get some help here, my 9th grade teacher isn't helping me much cause she expects me to know everything and shes going ahead of me so thats why i'm asking u guys for help. If you don't want to help me then simply don't help me. In the otherhand if your nice then at least give me some tips. I will go over this and try to fix some of this.

cfredc: Your right there Tom was trying to be civilized and a leader, i missed that because i had to read the whole thing in 11 days :(

I got some fixing to do. I truly aprreciate your help guys.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Vapor -
You didn't ask for the advice of an &quot;old fart&quot; - but you're getting it anyway.
Throw away the television, get rid of the walkman, and READ, READ, READ...

I consumed the entire 36 volumes of Colliers Encyclopaedia (archaic spelling) by the time I was your age. THAT - is your ticket to success. Not Colliers, but reading. You will not reget this particular piece of advice.


Senior member
Sep 1, 2000
I edited my message and fixed a couple of things.

BTW that &quot;sivilized&quot; word is spelled that way because it comes directly from Huck and you have to read the book to know what i mean.

All i need is a good title now :/

Thanks for all your help guys