Need new PC speakers


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
My logitech Z4's which were surprisingly good are going out. Random static on both channels (already ruled out cables, motherboard port, etc as being bad) likely caused by some part of the amp in the sub.

So I need to get some new ones. Normally I'd just order another set of Z4's since they worked great, but if there are alternatives I don't want to ignore them.

Looking for a set thats:

$75 or under. Could be arsed to go to $100 if they will be noticable improvement over some replacement Z4s.

2.1 - No room or want for 5.1. I know there are some monitor-type pairs with big woofers that don't need a sub so those might be an option, but I want pretty strong bass

Smaller the better, but not a dealbreaker unless they're just giant

Headphone jack up the speaker/control

A remote similar to the Z4's would be great, I really like it

Good volume. I listen pretty loud, so I don't want a quiet 20w setup

I'll be using them for music (wide mix of rock/metal/hardcore, heavy stuff that needs pretty clear playback across lows mids and highs), movies and TV. I have optical and coax S/PDIF, would I notice any difference switching to a set that can use that input instead of my current analog?

So far I've looked at

Behringer MS40 - Top end of price range ($100), don't know how much better audio quality I could expect out of them, and I tend to doubt sub-less setups bass response

M-Audio Studiophile AV30 - $90ish, same worries as the behringers, but 10w less power, no dig input, and smaller woofers (more doubtful about the bass)

Was really wanting some Klipsch promedias, but they're out of my price range. At this point I'm thinking replacement Z4s, but I'll see if you guys have any suggestions first


Moderator<br>A/V & Home Theater<br>Elite member
Aug 6, 2001
Before ditching the Z4s, how did you determine the fault?

Do they still have static when hooked up to a different device? (Like an mp3 player?)

There might be some dust in the volume control too as another common problem. One way to try to deal with that is to turn the volume knob all the way up and down several times to try to clean it off a bit. There are also some products you can buy to try to clean it.


Golden Member
May 2, 2005
The promedias can sometimes be had for $100ish at bestbuy when they go on sale combined with a bestbuy 10&#37; off coupon (which used to be easier to find than they are now, but I believe they still show up now and again on various deal websites and so forth)


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
The static is intermittent, its not present all the time (maybe half)

It started just this morning, with no symptoms beforehand which would make me doubt that its dirty (I went ahead and did the volume knob and used a can of air on the sub), but I checked all the connections and cleared them of dust. It's not staticy right atm, but it is intermittent so I can't be sure yet if its fixed or not


Aug 11, 2000
Try heading to Guitar Center, and listen to some of their cheaper monitors.

IMO, the best option would be to find some slightly more high-end speaker monitors (like M-Audio BX5As or the very common Alesis Monitor Ones) secondhand. WAY better than PC speakers.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
Can I really count on a monitor set to give the bass response I need? I don't listen to rap, I'm not looking to knock shit off the walls, but a lot of the music I listen to has powerful, deep bass notes, that need good low end response

And the static is still intermittent after cleaning, though when it is present it seems lesser so. I may not have to replace immediately, but I have a feeling it's going to get worse and not better. I'll clean a bit better later to make sure I've done everything on my end


Feb 9, 2008
might I suggest the z-2300s? if you can play the waiting and looking around game, they can be found in your budget. and they're solid and ridiculously powerful. overly bassy if anything.
Mar 15, 2003
might I suggest the z-2300s? if you can play the waiting and looking around game, they can be found in your budget. and they're solid and ridiculously powerful. overly bassy if anything.

I have a pair that's fritzing out on me. Before then I had a set of logitech 5.1 (thx as well) that fritzed out on me. I'm beginning to believe that logitech's aren't build all that well, which is probably why there are so many refurb deals out there on them...

I also find the z-2300s way too bassy with unnatural highs and no-mids. I think this is a sound people like, but I tend to love natural highs and soothing mids, vs. "party" speakers. I mean, my office isn't a dance club!

The advice that's often repeated is either 1) get studio monitors or 2) get a receiver plus speakers. I don't have the space for 2) and wonder if 1) (monitors) really would provide a complete soundstage without a sub. I'm looking for 2.1 systems right now with "full spectrum" sound, in other words speakers with tweeters and woofers, vs. just satellite speakers. There aren't a lot out there, but Schwanns and Creative make some.. I'm also very curious about the eagle tech 2.1s and hercules 2.1s. They're very well reviewed and cheap enough for me to just give it a try.. But they're perpetually out of stock on amazon (PRIME ftw!)


Feb 22, 2007
I like the behringer monitors. I have had the MS20 for about 9 months now and love them. Optical/coaxial input and AC plug for wall (no adapter to worry with ) . Sound great and have good bass and treble. I have never needed to turn them all the way up and people are really surprised when I tell them the set is only 20 watts. They are built wall with wood case and are heavy for their size. In the price range I don't think anything compares.