Need linux guru to english translator!

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Can someone interpret this readme for me?

Getting Start

1. Copy ax88178-2.6.14 directory to your template directory

2. Now, you should have a ax88178-2.6.14 directory in your template directory.
Go to the ax88178-2.6.14 directory, and executing the following command to
compiler AX88178 Driver.

[root@localhost ax88178-2.6.14]# make

3. If the compilation well, the asix.ko will be created under the current directory.

4. If you want to use modprobe command to mount AX88178 driver, executing the following
command to install AX88178 driver on your Linux.

[root@localhost ax88178-2.6.14]# make install


If you want to mount the AX88178 driver , go to the ax88178-2.6.14 directory and executing
the following command:

[root@localhost ax88178]# insmod usbnet.ko
[root@localhost ax88178]# insmod asix.ko
[root@localhost anywhere]# modprobe asix

If you want to unmount the AX88178 driver, just typing the following command:

[root@localhost anywhere]# rmmod asix
[root@localhost anywhere]# rmmod usbnet

This is in a folder called Linux 2.6.14 that has these files in it:

56 -rwxr--r-- 1 ryan smbusers 51480 2007-09-25 15:45 asix.c
12 -rwxr--r-- 1 ryan smbusers 11208 2007-09-20 04:22 asix.h
4 -rwxr--r-- 1 ryan smbusers 590 2007-09-25 15:53 Makefile
4 -rwxr--r-- 1 ryan smbusers 2428 2007-09-26 02:06 readme

So, what is this template folder they speak of, and what is this ax88178-2.6.14 they speak of?

And I have no clue what mounting a driver means. I know how to mount a disk but how/why would you mount a driver?

This is for a USB nic. I can't get it to work so I want to attempt to install the drivers that came with it and see. Maybe that's the problem.


Jul 14, 2000
is this the first time youve had to compile a driver to something? its easy enough.

Originally posted by: RedSquirrel
Can someone interpret this readme for me?


So, what is this template folder they speak of, and what is this ax88178-2.6.14 they speak of?

And I have no clue what mounting a driver means. I know how to mount a disk but how/why would you mount a driver?

This is for a USB nic. I can't get it to work so I want to attempt to install the drivers that came with it and see. Maybe that's the problem.

im gonna guess that template may be a typo for temporary (ie: /tmp). its not uncommon to compile or unzip things into /tmp if you wont need them later.

the "ax88178-2.6.14" is the suggested directory name to use under /tmp so that you know what the folder is for. ill guess that the 2.6.14 is to note the kernel the driver was written for. cross your fingers if you have a different kernel version, maybe it will work anyway *shrug* but really you can name the folder "usbdrivers" if youd rather.

anyway, copy that "Linux 2.6.14" folder to /tmp/$whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-it,and run "make" and if theres no errors, run "make install" to install the compiled driver to...wherever drivers go.

to start using the driver now, instead of waiting for a reboot, use insmod or modprobe. or, if your a sadist, reboot first and see if your NIC works ;)

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Oh so I WAS doing it right, they made it look like there was more to it. For some reason I thought the template folder was something in the kernel so I had to put it in then recompile kernel or something. I get an error when I do make :/ So guess this driver wont work.

I also tried g++ no luck there. Lot of undefined variables. thing is the nic does show up its just it wont work (can't go out) but it shows up when I do ifconfig. I can set a static IP, ping it, etc... so I'm not even sure if drivers are even an issue here.


Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: RedSquirrel
Oh so I WAS doing it right, they made it look like there was more to it. For some reason I thought the template folder was something in the kernel so I had to put it in then recompile kernel or something. I get an error when I do make :/ So guess this driver wont work.

I also tried g++ no luck there. Lot of undefined variables. thing is the nic does show up its just it wont work (can't go out) but it shows up when I do ifconfig. I can set a static IP, ping it, etc... so I'm not even sure if drivers are even an issue here.

cant really add anything else except to google the error code and see if something comes up, but if its working with a static IP, setup your VM like you wanted and run some traffic over things to that machine...see what wireshark reports and whether or not any traffic is running to the host over that interface. *shrug*

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Yeah locally it works ok, but it wont talk to the real network. In XP it BSODs but yet in win2k it works. So wonder if it's the nic itself but fact that it works in win2k kind of rules that out. Very messed. I'm thinking of setting up a physical server instead and just forget my idea of using a 2nd nic on my existing server. I really did not want to deploy another server due to lack of space but I can put it where my backup server is and put that one in my room it only goes on for like 20 minutes every night anyway.

*me needs own house, and server rack setup*


Sep 30, 2001
If it's really a 'server' then you shouldn't be using a USB NIC honestly. PCI or PCI-E NIC's are rather cheap, and if you want to splurge get an Intel chipset.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
My issue is this server wont accept PCI cards. Won't boot if there's a card in the PCI slot. (I miss the days where 6 PCI slots was standard, now they went and made like 3 new types so you only get like 1-2 of each). After RMAing so much stuff I really did not feel like RMAing that too so I just said fuck it. Never going Intel again. MSI was worse though. Sticking with Asus next time.


Sep 30, 2001
What do you mean not accept PCI cards? You don't have an empty slot? If you only have one expansion slot then pick up a card with two RJ-45 ports on it. I find it hard to believe a motherboard doesn't have any PCI or PCI-E slots to put a network card in, especially for a server.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Well there is only 1 PCI slot and it does not work. If I put a card it in, it wont boot up. After dealing with so many RMAs during that server build I said screw it, not RMAing again. I have the worse luck ever when I order parts to build a PC. I usually end up RMAing half of it due to defective parts. So that's why I went with USB. But I'm heading towards a change of plans and instead of virtualizing I'll use my old server and plug it into the other network. Easier.

I'm debating on if I want to try to RMA the ethernet adapter though, as I don't think it's normal that it causes a BSOD in winxp (tried it just to rule out software being an issue) so maybe it's defective. It works in win2k though... so I may have to try it in another XP machine and see how it goes, maybe my machine just does not like it. If it works at least I can use it for something else.


Sep 30, 2001
Honestly, if you have that many problems with hardware you've got to be something wrong. Not trying to be an ass, but hardware just isn't defective like that on mass quantities.