Need Help


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
Alright, long story, totally at wits end. Will try to cliff note it. For the record i build PCs and Servers daily, I build out servers worth more than my house (so NOT a noob).

Original Computer was up for 1.5 years, no problem. Antec 350 PS, Athlon 3000+, MSI nForce 3, 2 x 512 Mushkin pc3200, 2 x Maxtor IDE HD, 1 x Seagate SATA Drive, 1 x NEC DVD Burner, PNY 6600 GT AGP, Win XP Pro.

Saturday last week when I switched over from my profile to my wifes it totally locked.

Warm boot hangs at detecting IDE drives
Cold boot hangs at detecting IDE drives

Figure my PS is dead so I replace my case/ps with a nice Antec Sonata 2 w/ 450 Watt PS.

Cold boot Windows loads, 100% CPU as soon as you open anything
Warm boot hangs at detecting IDE drives

Figure maybe my bios needs updating

Cold boot hangs at detecting IDE drives
Warm boot hangs at detecting IDE drives

Replace MB with a DFI nForce4, replace s754 Athlon w/ X2 3800+, replace AGP 6600 GT w/ pcie 6600 GT

Cold boot sees my drive but Windows blue screens (not a suprise, new mb after all)
Warm boot hangs at detecting IDE drives

Run Memtest86 on it, 1 stick of RAM is bad. Yank it and RMA it. Now down to 1 x 512 stick

Cold boot sees my drive lets me start windows install
Warm boot hangs at detecting IDE drives

So the ONLY things left at this point from the original computer are:

NEC DVD Burner
Lite On DVD Drive
1 x 512 MB Mushkin RAM
1 x Seagate 200 GB SATA Drive
1 x Maxtor 160 GB IDE Drive

WTF could it be? I am actually leaning toward a HD being bad as well (even though the system sees the data on them). With RAM dead and the rest of all this wierdness I can only conclude a power spike nailed me hard.

I have never seen a bad HD do anything like this, but I am running out of options.

This is driving me insane.

Note: If you can't offer advice please don't be a prick.


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
figured it out in case anyone has same issue.

1) dead RAM
2) borked ps
3) dead SATA drive

possibly bad:



Jan 18, 2006
So basically you had a power spike that fried your RAM,PS, and HD. That's too bad, I am sorry to hear about that. Does your ram have lifetime warranty? Maybe you can cut your losses. Also, it might be a good idea to invest in a UPS.



Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
Yeah, Mushkin has lifetime, already RMA'd. Seagate has also RMA'd my drive.

What made it so hard was so many pieces getting wiped. I had everything figured out but the damn drive.


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
On a side note I decided it was a good time to upgrade :)

Picked up a 3800+ X2 and a DFI NF4-D