need help with credit card question


Feb 1, 2000
Ok, i wanna know if anyone knows the answer to this. I pay all my visa bills online. this month i paid and it was subtracted from my bofa account. anyways, i was credited something like 100 times that amount. enough to pay for college. anyways. i can write a check against my credit and deposit it. my friend thinks ill be fined like a mofo. can i really get fined. i figured right now, that at the worst i'll hav eto give it back.



Senior member
Nov 2, 2000
as much as it'd be nice to take the money and run, i think you'll get busted.


Sep 13, 2001
Take the money, close the account and hold on to the money in a seperate bank account. Wait till someone makes a claim.
Oct 9, 1999
if the company made a mistake they will catch it in a few days. they are ruthless.

if they dont catch it for 7 years.. the money is yours.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
This is as clear as day fraud and trust me, your credit card company and Bank of America will find this error and correct your credit card. How do I know this with such certainty? I have worked for a bank for nearly 7 years and work in our investigations department. It may take a while to find this error but maybe not, since I'm not sure how credit card companies work. I suggest reading your account disclosure and agreement in it's entirety (including all the super fine small print). I would have absolutely zero remorse for you if your credit card company corrects the error and adds the 100 times amount in question to your bill, hehe paying for college at a rate of 19% or whatever percent is just plain stupid.

You'll be more than fined like a mofo, possibly prosecuted but if you think it's worth the risk then that's your decision. If you suddenly disappear from the forums can I have your rig?



Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2000

that same thing happened to me...i deposited 1500.00 and was credited like 6000.00

i was tempted, but they DO track all clerical errors down...and if you read your bank account member paperwork....fine print will indeed say that you are responsible for such things....

There's no way of them not tracking it down...

sure you can use it....but then you'll be overdrawn by that very same amount...

Oh, and it takes about 3-4 business days until they catch the mistake...maybe less time...



Feb 1, 2000
hmm here is what i think i'm gonna do. i'm just gonna use my credit card like normal, and not pay it since it says i owe no money. not gonna make any insane charges. so i'll just keep the money (since well i always pay each month, thus the reason why they'd give a college student with no income a 5000 dollar credit limit). so if they suddenly change it back, i can pay it easily, and i only charge about $5000 a year, so i wouldn't be over my limit.

i wonder what they'd do if i took out the money and donated it to the wtc red cross thing... just a thought. so far its been 3 days, and technically my credit card company owes me $36000. just feels good looking at it .

also bbqweed this is with the credit card company not the bank. i was just paying my bill. i guess i'll just not pay my bill for a while since well i have no bill i guess, see how long this lasts


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Think about it this way. In accordance with your account disclosure and agreement clause (which all savings/checking/credit cards have) you are not legally entitled to those funds. Those funds do not belong to you. While it's noble of you to donate some funds to the American Red Cross wouldn't it suck if your credit rating is marred and you are fined fees even though you intended to do a good thing?

We recently had a bank employee who's account was erroneously credited $5,000 in error two months ago, he withdrew the money immediately and spent it. When we caught him he knew that he had the money because of his online statement and the paper statement we mail him. Even if he paid back the entire $5,000 that's not good enough, he never reported the error. So he was walked out of work in handcuffs and will spend the next 12 months in jail thinking about what he did. You probably won't go to jail but if you take advantage of your credit card company then you're the person we can thank for increasing interest rates and fees.

Thank you.


Feb 1, 2000
man my credit rating is perfect, dont wanna screw it up. it would have been really cool though, $36000 buys a lot of stuff.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
I give up. You just don't get it, do you?

It sounds like you're already scheming how to spend your $36,000 so why even post on here asking people for moral advice?

Either spend it and get caught (crossing my fingers) or wait for them to fix it or report the error.


Feb 1, 2000
first off i already decided not to spend it. thus the "it WOULD have been cool" . now, i didnt ask for moral advice , i asked to see if i could be fined. Thus i will now conclude that you cant read or comprehend english. Seeing as how it looks like i'd get fined, or arrested or what not i have decided not to. i may well have done it if there was no fine or penalty, and yes i am really not that ethical, and you can sue me later for not having the same values as me.

So basically to sum this up, i've learned that i cant get away with this. And rossman is a jackass


Senior member
Dec 23, 2000
Just sit on the money and act like nothing has happened. Don't spend any of the 36k, only spend what you have deposited. If they fix it, you'll just be pist that they found it; I don't think that they can penalize you if you don't spend it.