i booted from a disk,now when it goes to set up it say
Please wait while setup initializes.
Scanning system registry.....
Windows requires 15728640 bytes available on your c: drive
then it brings up the a:\ prompt!!
and just sets there????
Shouldn't it run from the cd from there.I chose w/ cd support.
please help anyone
Use your Win98 startup emergency disk to boot your machine.
Use Fdisk to setup your harddrive partitions.
Use the command format c: /s to format and install the DOS system
on the C: drive. Format the other partitions using format d: etc...
Now I'm assuming when you boot from the Win98 floppy, you've started
with the CD ROM support. Type d: enter. Type startup enter.
The C/D should now install Win 98.........Greg
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