I've started puting together a pc but have give very little thought to the video card. It's time I address this issue.
I don't play games, but I just might start. I'm getting a Duron 800, later to be upgraded to a Palomino inside a KT133A mobo.
Is that GeForce2 MX endorsed by AnandTech the best bang for the buck? My current pc has a Matrox Millenium, so I'm used to Matrox and their stability.
I suppose I could use a Matrox G400 or G450. I don't know because of all the things I have research, I've ignored video completely.
I don't play games, but I just might start. I'm getting a Duron 800, later to be upgraded to a Palomino inside a KT133A mobo.
Is that GeForce2 MX endorsed by AnandTech the best bang for the buck? My current pc has a Matrox Millenium, so I'm used to Matrox and their stability.
I suppose I could use a Matrox G400 or G450. I don't know because of all the things I have research, I've ignored video completely.