Need a little info on setting up a secure FTP site


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I have a bit of web knowledge but don't have a clue as what needs do be done in order to setup a secure FTP.
I have a website/domane but where do I go from there?
Is there a web site that provides a secure ftp service?
Something easy to setup and allow for people to drop files and allow me to retrieve them securely? I'm talking about fairly large files in the 5-20mb range.

Thanks for any help.


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2000
WarFTP is good, it's what i use... i don't know that i'd say it's all that easy to setup though, i mean it's not hard but there are easier ones to work with... like Serv-U for instance. If you get Serv-U, i think i remember it being very easy to setup, pretty much walks you right through what you need to do.