A few days ago, I replaced my E6600 with a E8400. I then installed the XigmatekS1283 cooler with the backplate.
Much to my surprise I did not screw it up. The toughest part was disconnecting all the cables from the MB, listing on a paper what cable went where on the MB, and removing MB from case to do the backplate.
You can easily feel you are over-tightening the screws into the backplate. It was a tight fit angling the MB w/ the Xigmatek thru the back of the case opening. Putting on the fan was tight as well.
Afterwards, re-attaching all the cabling inside the case was tight for me...big hands. Overall, like most things we worry about, it was quite a bit easier than I expected.
BTW, there is a video on YouTube showing how to do the Xigmatek install....