Inspired by this thread
While were on this subject, what defines the suffix appended to a nationality?
People from America are American.
People from Canada are Canadian.
People from England are English.
People from Congo or Congolese.
People from Iraq are Iraqi.
It seems to have no standard convention.
For instance, most Asians get *ese, but not all of them (like Koreans).
Sometimes it seems based on ease-of-use (Koreaese is hard to spell and pronounce) but why are people from Congo Congolese and not Congan or Congoan as in Morrocans or Samoans?
Just one of those silly questions that I always wondered.
While were on this subject, what defines the suffix appended to a nationality?
People from America are American.
People from Canada are Canadian.
People from England are English.
People from Congo or Congolese.
People from Iraq are Iraqi.
It seems to have no standard convention.
For instance, most Asians get *ese, but not all of them (like Koreans).
Sometimes it seems based on ease-of-use (Koreaese is hard to spell and pronounce) but why are people from Congo Congolese and not Congan or Congoan as in Morrocans or Samoans?
Just one of those silly questions that I always wondered.