NAS / UnRaid Build


Jul 23, 2007
I'm looking to replace my WHS with something that has more capacity, and am thinking of building my own UnRaid (or something) machine. The thing will be sitting in a basement, so noise isn't a very big factor.

for the HDD's I'd likely get a bunch of 1TB WD Greens for data and a 1TB WD Black for parity. These are the core components I'm thinking about (prices are in Canadian $, and I don't have any brand loyalty):

CPU - AMD Athlon II X3 400E 45W - $112.99
MB - Gigabyte MA790X-UD4P ATX - $114.59
RAM - G.SKILL PC2-8000 2X2GB DDR2-1000 - $99.99
GPU - Powercolor Radeon HD 3650 - $27.99
Case - Silverstone Temjin TJ01-B - $94.99
PSU - OCZ Z-SERIES 550W 80+ Silver - $94.99

I picked that mobo because it has 8xSATA, though I'm curious if there might be a better choice.

I picked the video card because it was the cheapest and appears to be the lowest power thing I can find. The mobo + gpu are cheaper than the integrated solutions I could find which have that many SATA connectors.

The case has 6x5.25 external bays, which lets me use 2 3x5.25 --> 5x3.5 converters

The PSU was the lowest I could find rated at 80+ Silver.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
This is my personal unraid box. It runs great. It currently has 11 drives installed (9 in the "array", 1 parity, 1 cache) with more room to upgrade. The drives range from 1.5TB (Parity, and a couple of the data drives) to 400GB (Cache).

Dual Xeon 2.4Ghz
2GB of ECC Ram (4x 512)
SUPERMICRO AOC-SAT2-MV8 Sata Controllers.
Corsair HX-620 PSU
Norco RPC-4020 4U Case
4x 1.5TB Seagates
3x 1TB Seagates
1x 640GB WD Blue
1x 400GB WD

The reason I posted mine was just to give you some ideas. You could probably go to an Athlon II X2 or even an just a standard X2, and probably do just fine for CPU power with unraid. I don't seem to hit it on a regular basis to upgrade the CPU.

I also like having the parity & cache drives directly on the motherboard, and the "array" drives on the controller card. You may be better off getting a controller card for this setup; and giving yourself future upgrade room.


Jul 23, 2007
Its actually helpful to see that. I have a spare Core 2 duo 8400 w/8gigs of ram with a decent 775 motherboard and a nice p182 case.

I guess I was trying to go for a super-efficient build, and maximize my external bays + mobo SATAs.

But with that controller, and the fact that I really don't need my bays to be external, I could really save a chunk of money and just build it off of that!


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
The 8GB of ram is still a bit overkill. I like having hotswaps for ease, but otherwise, yeah, you are fine.