First off; Napster, like any other server, goes down from time to time. This is why PCs have reset buttons.
Second; I don't want to hear another "stolen music go out and buy something" crap. You're hitting a personal sore spot with me because it sounds as if one is saying "everyone that uses Napster is stealing from the artist". :|
When I was asking around about the song in the Volvo ad and found out it was Mr. Scruff I
USED Napster to find Mr. Scruff, liked the three or four tracks that I had heard and bought the CD. The same is true about the Hooverphonic song I heard in a VW ad. I now own that CD too.
If I don't like it, I'm not buying it and I'm sure not going to hang onto the MP3 either.
OK, fine. I'm in the minority. :Q
But "Stealing" is what the INDIVIDUAL does when HE takes something with the intention of keeping it and never paying for it. If there was no Napster, theives would find other means, I'm sure.
And Red, my crap sells for a premium. My shìt don't stink and it's been said to have this power that allows defective computer parts to mysteriously start working (except for Abit boards).