I mergered 2 drives together (like i've done before with no problems); F:\ into E:\.
My problem now is that drive letter F:\ was suppose to go away and it didn't. It shows up in My Computer as a CD-ROM drive. I can't get rid of it and i'm not sure why it's there.
I changed the mysterious F:\ to M:\; my last drive letter, and them moved the drives behind where "F" was up so everthing looks correct. Get rid of M:\ is the goal.
My OS is WinXP Pro
I used Partition Magic 7.0 to merge the drives.
My problem now is that drive letter F:\ was suppose to go away and it didn't. It shows up in My Computer as a CD-ROM drive. I can't get rid of it and i'm not sure why it's there.
I changed the mysterious F:\ to M:\; my last drive letter, and them moved the drives behind where "F" was up so everthing looks correct. Get rid of M:\ is the goal.
My OS is WinXP Pro
I used Partition Magic 7.0 to merge the drives.