my screen becomes garbled after a while and I don't know why


Senior member
May 24, 2001
I have a duron600@800, 128mb ram, and a radeon 8500. After I leave my computer on for about 6 hours, I turn back on the monitor and the display is all garbled. The mouse looks like a garbled picture but still moves. I thought it was the CPU at first but I clocked it back at its original speed of 600 and it did the same thing. The last thing I added to this system was the 8500 and I am using that with R69x drivers.


Senior member
May 24, 2001
the radeon isn't OC'ed. It is a retail at default settings. could it be something with refresh rates also or something like that?


Senior member
Aug 18, 2000
I have a Matrox Dual Head card and it does the same thing exactly. Mine seems to do it worse after running MS Word for a long time, but can do it at any time. A lot of times my desktop will have small white rectangles all over the screen, the icons will all be white, and some of the dialog boxes will be blank. A quick restart (if you can guess where the shut-down button is at--cause you can't see it!!!), and all is normal --- for awhile.

I have a 1G t-bird, Abit KT7-Raid, Sound Blaster Live, 256MB Mushkin memory, and the Matrox G400 Dual Head. I am not over-clocking anything.

I don't mean to jump in on your post, -- I just hope someone can help us both!!! :D