My new Build,,pls help,,I have some questions


Senior member
Dec 25, 2001
WOOT!!!!,,,I have my MSI K7T-Turbo motherboard,my Athlon T-Bird 1.33/266, MSI GeForce 2Ti , the Coolermaster DP5-6I31C Heatsink/Fan combo..300w/ps

This is my first build. That tape on the CPU seems awfull thick to put the heatsink on and clamp it down,I'm afraid I could crush the CPU core.

I am running Win Xp also,,,my biggest concern is having to flash the Bios rite away?,,i am totally unclear on that .

It's going to be mostly a gaming machine for now. So,I am wondering what kind of performance I should expect from games like MOHAA,and RTCW

I'll be doing all this tomorrow after class.

But,,if anyone has a heads-up for me to look out for would really appreciate any and all suggestions,,,

So, ty all for taking the time to read this,,tyia


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2001
It will take a good amount of force to put the heatsink on. Just make sure it is lined up right and make sure it doesn't tip on the CPU. I don't think that you will have to flash your BIOS right away. It is the Athlon XPs that you really need to worry about motherboard compatibility on, not Windows XP. I hate those Coolermaster heatsinks, they have very tight clips. I would suggest that you take that thermal pad off and apply some artic silver 2 or 3 instead. The best thing to do would be to get a different heatsink all together.

squirrel dog

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
relax the spring steel retaining clip by pushing it in the opp. direction it is sprung in.Take some spring out of it.Remove the termal tape,and use thermal grease instead.Apply a thin layer.The h/s and fan now will still take some effort to install,but your chances of breaking/cracking your cpu are reduced(greatly).


Senior member
Dec 25, 2001
Ok,ty for the responses,,,I do hope the 300ps is enuff ,at least for now,..I remember reading how to unlock the Atlon T-bird using a pencil?,,now,,,would it be possible to do that pencil trick,and later in a month or so attempt the overclock?,,I mean if i did that pencil trick,,,would i be looking for instability rite away?,,like i said i just want to use this all for mostly gaming and some internet research ( school work ), also,,i will not be able to get my hands on any arctic silver for the build tomorrow . and with that video card and motherboard and cpu,,,what kind of gaming experience should i expect with this setup with the games mentioned,,,ty all again


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
That should be fine. I would suggest that you don't skimp on the RAM, get some quality sticks. What OS are you running? We are running simular systems and except for a power supply problem mine has been a strong runner. Take your time putting it together and be sure not to try to run it without a HSF. Sometimes in our excitement we skip steps. Be methodical. Good luck.