- Dec 28, 1999
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- 64
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So I started working in a real estate agency last month. I really got thrown "thrown to the wolves" when I started because the day that I interviewed was the last day of the girl whose position I took over. She came in and trained me for a few hours for a few days and I've just been learning and asking the other guy in the office questions when I need to. (Yeah, he's hot.....lol) Anyway, my boss told me that after I was hired in about two weeks I'd wonder what the hell I was doing and be totally overwhelmed. OMFG was he right!! There's SO much to learn and there's always something that needs to be done. (I'm an administrative assistant/transaction coordinator/property manager.) There's at least a couple days a week where I feel like he's going to get pissed off at me for not knowing something and fire my ass. lol There's just so much to learn and omg does it get hectic.
Anyway, I had a horrible case of the "Mondays" today. I don't know why, but I was completely overwhelmed and I felt like nothing was going right. I thought that today might be the day I'd get called into the office or that maybe I just wasn't cut out for the job.
Well, the other guy in the office went into my boss' office and they closed the door. That usually means that either they're in a meeting or just want privacy. (Small office at the moment and we're the only one's there.) The door opens and I hear, "Heather, can you come in here for a minute?" Dun dun dun! My boss takes a deep breath and starts saying how real estate is sort of slowing down right now (Oh, I should add that he also owns an insurance business and we're moving to that office shortly.) and how he's going to have to start cutting back. *gulp* He said that he was going to have to lay someone off. I was like....oh great. I knew it!! He must have seen the look on my face and laughed and said...."Not you!" I guess in the other office, there's a lot of drama that's been going on and it's centered around one particular person. He wanted to know if I'd be open to taking her position. I had two thoughts, one...was he wanting to move me because of my performance in the real estate end and two...would I at least be getting the same pay? The said that they thought I'd be great at the insurance end and that I would actually be getting a slight pay increase (base salary plus comission) and that no, it wasn't because of my performance in the real estate part. (They said that because it's slow they could take care of it with just the two of them.) He said that I was doing great. *Whew* lol I guess he wants to train me at our current office for a couple weeks and then we'll move offices and I'll take over the other position. He wants to train me here first, so he has someone still at the current position and then once I'm trained he is going to let the other person go. What's sad is that the person that's being let go is one that I really like.
So....my day started out sorta bad, but ended on a good note.
Anyway, I had a horrible case of the "Mondays" today. I don't know why, but I was completely overwhelmed and I felt like nothing was going right. I thought that today might be the day I'd get called into the office or that maybe I just wasn't cut out for the job.
Well, the other guy in the office went into my boss' office and they closed the door. That usually means that either they're in a meeting or just want privacy. (Small office at the moment and we're the only one's there.) The door opens and I hear, "Heather, can you come in here for a minute?" Dun dun dun! My boss takes a deep breath and starts saying how real estate is sort of slowing down right now (Oh, I should add that he also owns an insurance business and we're moving to that office shortly.) and how he's going to have to start cutting back. *gulp* He said that he was going to have to lay someone off. I was like....oh great. I knew it!! He must have seen the look on my face and laughed and said...."Not you!" I guess in the other office, there's a lot of drama that's been going on and it's centered around one particular person. He wanted to know if I'd be open to taking her position. I had two thoughts, one...was he wanting to move me because of my performance in the real estate end and two...would I at least be getting the same pay? The said that they thought I'd be great at the insurance end and that I would actually be getting a slight pay increase (base salary plus comission) and that no, it wasn't because of my performance in the real estate part. (They said that because it's slow they could take care of it with just the two of them.) He said that I was doing great. *Whew* lol I guess he wants to train me at our current office for a couple weeks and then we'll move offices and I'll take over the other position. He wants to train me here first, so he has someone still at the current position and then once I'm trained he is going to let the other person go. What's sad is that the person that's being let go is one that I really like.
So....my day started out sorta bad, but ended on a good note.